Gabe Interrupts.

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Copyright @ 2012 By Shelbsters15.

This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real locales are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the authors imagination, and any resemblance actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


Hey, everyone! :D

How was all of your Thanksgiving?

I have to say, that mine was awesome. :)

Although, I hated that my grandma, wouldn't let me get on the computer or phone, but it was okay. Hey! I got to spend time with them, right?

So, I'm sorry for the long wait. :( I hope you all are still with me.

I have a special surprise for you! Zack's P.O.V Is going to be in this chapter! I hope you like it!

Please, don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT. I love to hear what you guys think about the chapters. :D

Now onto the story!


-Shelby. :)


~Chapter Ten~

~Sophie's P.O.V.~

"What's taking so long out here?" I hear Gabe's deep voice from behind me, causing Zack, and I to jump apart.

I turn around to face him and smile the best I can. "I-I, um, nothing..."

I'm a bad liar.

Heat creeps upon my cheeks and, Gabe narrows his at me, accusingly. "Really?"

I look at Zack out of the corner of my eyes, and see him leaning against the car, with his arms crossed over his chest, and the corners of his lips are pulled up into a smirk.

I frown and wring my hands. "Yes. We were just talking. Right, Zack?" I throw him a look, trying to let him know to get that smug look off of his face.

Zack shrugs his shoulders, looking at Gabe instead of me. "Yeah sure...Talking."

Zack's been acting weird since Gabe has interrupted us. It's like he's bragging to Gabe.

Gabe balls his hands in fists and Zack doesn't move at all.

"C-come on." I say, before anything happeneds. "Let's go back inside." I put my hands on Gabe's chest and push him away from Zack.

Gabe sighs and nods his head. "Fine. Whatever." He shakes his head like he's trying to get rid of a thought, then takes my hand gently and pulls me along with him.

I look back behind me to see, Zack is not following us...He's sitting in his car with his head in his hands...


~Zack's P.O.V.~

"What's taking so long out here?" I jump away from Sophie when I hear, Gabe's voice. Great. And she was finally listening to me too.

Sophie's face turns a light color of pink and she smiles a nervous smile. "I-I, um, nothing..."

I lean against the shut car door and cross my arms watching this exchange. Gabe told me (More like threatened me) to stay away from her when he first found out about the bet.

And I don't like that.

I don't like that at all.

I do what I want. And I want Sophie.

Gabe narrows his eyes at Sophie. "Really?"

I notice that Gabe flicks his eyes over to me with a glare in his eyes and I give him my best smug look.

Sophie frowns and plays with her hands. "Yes. We were just talking. Right, Zack?" She turns her head and focuses her scowl on me. I look away from her quickly and look over to Gabe then I shrug my shoulders.

"Yeah sure...Talking."

Gabe's cheeks turn red and he makes his hands into fists.

I've seen this same look before on my Dad whenever he's upset. I almost back down and tell Gabe that I'm sorry, but my pride gets in the way. I'm not about to let anyone tell me what to do...Not even Gabe.

Sophie turns towards Gabe and lays her hands on his chest. "C-come on. Let's go back inside." She says quietly to Gabe.

Man, she's so cute.

I shake my head and run my fingers through my hair.

When did I start saying cute.

Gabe looks down at her, and his face softens, then he sighs and nods his head. "Fine. Whatever." He shakes his head then grabs her hand like I should be doing.

They walk off without me and I open the passengers side door of the car and sit down.

Of course I messed it up with her again. I never can do anything right.

I place my head in my hands.

Sophie is the only person who will listen to me, besides Ian. Everyone else doesn't care about me. I mean, just look what happened after I lost the bet. Everyone dropped me. Mike and Chris, turned against me in a heartbeat when I lost. Oh, and I found out that, Mike and Brittney were together the whole time that I was "dating" her.

What nice friends, eh?

Oh, and my Dad? Yeah, he disowned me. He acts like I'm not even there. I guess that's better then him hitting me. Yes, I had a very big beating when he first found out I lost the bet, but that was the last time he's ever had anything to do with me.

I don't need any of them anyway. I can do everything by myself.

I raise my head up when my phone buzzes in my pocket.

To: Zack.

From: Sophie.

'Are you okay?'

I chuckle to myself.

She's such a total girl. Always caring about everyone.

To: Sophie.

From: Zack.

'Yup. Be up in a sec.'

Might as well get this over with.

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