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Copyright @ 2012 By Shelbsters15.

This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real locales are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the authors imagination, and any resemblance actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.



Hey, everyone!

I am so sorry that I haven't updated!! Please forgive me! D:

Now, I love this chapter! I hope you like it too!

I want to thank everyone who has voted, commented, or fanned! And I want to thank everyone who has stuck with me since the beginning!! I love you all!!!

Now, enough talking...Onto the story! ;)


-Shelby. :)


~Chapter Nineteen~

~Sophie's P.O.V.~

It's silent for a few minutes, but I'm the one who breaks it.

"What happened to your eye?"

I see him straiten up and I can tell that he's surprised that I spoke...I actually am surprised myself.

"Accident." He says, shrugging.

"Accident? What kind of accident?"

Zack is silent for a while before glancing behind him to look at me. "Why do you care?"

Yeah, why do I care?

"That's what I thought." He says after I don't respond.

I sigh, and stare down at my hands.

Zack shifts in his chair, then he stands up and walks over to Mr. Hammond's desk.

"What are you doing?" I ask him.

He doesn't reply to me, but he picks up the paper that Mr. Hammond's was reading.

"Don't touch that." I hate being the 'Goody-Goody', but what if Mr. Hammond's comes in?

"You're not my Mom." Zack mumbles, then picks up another piece of paper that's on the desk.

For some reason, that strikes a match inside of me, and I stand up. "No, but if Mr. Hammond's comes in here, you'll get in trouble."

Zack glances up at me, and smirks, then looks back down. "What if that's the point?"

What? "You...Want to get in trouble?"

He shrugs and doesn't say anything.

"Zack...You want to get in trouble?"

He still doesn't answer me, just continues to stare down at the paper.


He looks up at me and blinks. "What?"

I shake my head and sit back down. If he wants to get in trouble, then let him be.

When I lay my head down on the table, I feel on my head, and I reach my arm back and pat my head.

I feel something...Powdery...

I lift my head up and look at my hand.

My hand is white.

I've got chalk powder all over my head. All over my head!

Ruining The Life Of A Jerk. (Sequel To A Nerds Romance)Where stories live. Discover now