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Copyright @ 2012 By Shelbsters15.

This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real locales are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the authors imagination, and any resemblance actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.



I'm sorry for not updating sooner. :/

I'm a horrible author, lol.

But, you have to understand that I try my hardest to write when I can. I have school, church, and everything else. I'm sorry.

But, I have news! We're nearing the end of this story!

There's approximately five chapters left.

I hope you've enjoyed this story just as much as I have! I love all you who have voted, commented, and fanned. :) I thank you all.

Now, onto the story!!!!


-Shelby. :)


~Chapter Twenty One~

~Sophie's P.O.V~

After Zack left my house that afternoon, Zack didn't come back to school for almost a month.

The students spread every rumor from, 'Zack is dead.', to, 'Zack is in prison for murder or drugs.'.

But, I was the only one who knew the truth. I never told anyone.

Not even Gabe.

But, oh that did not stop him from bugging me.

'Are you sure that you don't know anything?' He would ask me.

And of course, I would deny it. It's not my business to tell anyway.

That didn't stop me from being worried though.

Zack didn't call me once. He didn't text, Email, IM, or anything. Not one, 'I'm fine.'.

I tried calling him for the first week, but I gave up when he wouldn't answer. If he doesn't want me to know, then I guess I'm not important enough.

The school ended up forgetting about him the third week, and I never had to hear another 'How's Zack?' from anyone, thank God.

But, I never forgot about him. He was always there in the back of my mind. I was always worrying about him, always thinking that the boy in front of me is Zack. But, of course it never was him.

Life went on. School went on. Time went on. And I went on.

"Good morning, Sophie." My Mother says to me, sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of steaming coffee in her hand. "How was your night."

I shrug, and my mind flashes back to the nightmare that I had, about Zack and his Father. "Good."

She raises her eyebrows like she doesn't quite believe me, but then nods. "That's good."

"Uh-huh." I knew she wouldn't ask. She's still the same Mom.

I pick up an apple that's in the fruit bowl on the table, take a bite out of it, and then walk around the table to kiss my Mom's cheek.

"Bye, Mother."

Mom nods and takes a sip of her coffee, not saying anything to me.

I sigh. Mom and Dad have been having problems. They had another fight last night, but the only good thing is, it's not about me anymore. It's about my brother, Matt. He's wanting to borrow money for Destiny.

Ruining The Life Of A Jerk. (Sequel To A Nerds Romance)Where stories live. Discover now