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Copyright @ 2012 By Shelbsters15.

This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real locales are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the authors imagination, and any resemblance actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.



~Sophie's P.O.V.~

Looking at my Father, makes me sad, nervous, and excited all at the same time.

"It's going to be alright, Honey." He tells me, squeezing my shaking hand.

His green eyes sparkle with tears, and I smile. "I hope so, Dad."

He pushes one of the curls away from my face, and kisses my cheek. "You're so grown up. I'm going to miss my little girl."

I feel my bottom lip quiver, and I give him a hug, not caring if I winkle the dress or not. If Julia were here, she would be yelling at me, but she's not, so I'm good.

"I'll always be your little girl."

I hear the organ starts up, and my heart starts racing.

Dad pulls away from me, and inhales a shaky breath. "It's time."

Out of nowhere, Julia runs in and throws a bouquet of flowers in my arms. "Are we all ready? Do we all look fabulous? I think we do, let's get this show on the road!"

I laugh at her, and she flashes her pearly whites at me. "I can't wait for Gabe to ask me to marry him."

Yes, that's right. Julia and Gabe are dating. they have been for five years now, and Julia is getting anxious to get married

How she puts up with him, I'll never know.

Julia stands in front of me in her position of the bridesmaid, Dad loops his arm through mine, and we stand there and wait for our cue.

When it's time for Dad and I to start walking, everything in my mind goes blank, and it feels like I'm not in my body. It feels like I'm watching all of this take place.

The first thing that I see is, Matt and Layla's little five year old girl, Destiny, holding her little flower girl basket. She's adorable, sweet, and I completely love her. She's definitely taken after her Mommy. But, she can have an attitude.. That she took after her Daddy.

Gabe is the next one who catches my attention. He's standing there making faces at me like an idiot. I almost start laughing, but I know that if I do that, people will think that I am nuts.

Gabe hasn't changed in the last year whatsoever. He's still the biggest clown that I've ever seen, and he's still my best friend. The sad thing is though, I don't see him that often. We go to different colleges, so I only see him on the weekends.

How many times have I called him crying, missing him like crazy, I don't know.

The next one who I look at next, is the most important one of all.

Zack, in all of his tuxedo glory, is standing there, right in front of the alter, staring at me with the biggest smile ever.

My heart skips a beat, and I smile back at him.

I see his eyes slowly move up my body, and I have to fight myself to not roll my eyes.

He's been begging me to see my dress for months now, but I wouldn't let him.

Ruining The Life Of A Jerk. (Sequel To A Nerds Romance)Where stories live. Discover now