Sticking Up For Zack?

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Copyright @ 2012 By Shelbsters15.

This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real locales are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the authors imagination, and any resemblance actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


Hey, ya'll!

I'm so sorry, if there is any mistakes, or if this chapter looks strange compared to the other chapters. I don't have a laptop right now, so I'm doing this chapter on my iPhone.

Yes, I love you all so much that I'm writing a new chapter on my iPhone. :)

So I expect VOTES and COMMENTS!

I'll fix everything when I get my laptop back!

This chapter is dedicated to, CannoliCade16 for being an awesome fan!!! You rock!! :D

Now, everyone else, you all rock, just for reading this!! :DD

Now on to the story!


-Shelby! :)


~Chapter Eleven~

~Sophie's P.O.V.~

"Oh, Sophie! You're back!"

I don't respond back to Mom, I don't feel like fighting with her today. I just smile a tight smile at her then turn back to my phone.

To: Zack. 

From: Sophie.  

'Are you okay?'

Zack didn't look to good after we left. I think Gabe was too tough on him. I know that Gabe thinks that he has to defend me, but I'm learning that there are some things that I can do myself.

A few seconds later, my phone buzzes in response.

To: Sophie 

From: Zack.  

'Yup. Be up in a sec.'

To: Zack. 

From: Sophie 


I smile at the message on the phone. For some reason, I feel closer to him ever since we came here. But, I just like him as a friend. I'll never like him more then that. I know that for sure.  

"What's got you grinning, Soppie?"

I look up at, Gabe, and try to dull my smile down. "Nothing. Can't a person smile these days?" I tease him, and elbow his side.

He winces slightly and grips my elbow. "Sophie that's not nice to run around and elbow people."

I try to elbow him again, but his grip is just too tight for me to get out of, so instead, I take my other hand and tickle his rib cage.

"Ah! Ah!" He screams as he laughs. "Stop!" He lets go of my elbow and I elbow his side.

"What now, huh?"

"Kids, kids, kids. Stop with the flirting. You shouldn't flirt with someone in front of your fiancée, my dear."

I roll my eyes and I stick my tongue out at Matt, who's sitting on one of the gray, leather couches. "Matt, I'm not marrying you, you freak."

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