Chapter 37

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Last chapter part-1

No matter how much I want to continue writing this book but eventually I need to say goodbye to all the characters I have grown to love . From Rachel to Rosie and even Beth (believe me I have soft corner for her as well😂) I will miss writing about each of them .
I know I have left you guys hanging for months ,I am truly sorry for this .
So here is the first part of ending . Enjoy this short chapter and leave your comments before you move to second and third parts .
Don't forget to vote :)

Happy reading :)))

Third person

"Oh God Rachel ! I was scared shitless " He exclaimed glaring at the way too relaxed woman standing in front of him whilst he was expecting some damsel in distress or worse his ladylove in bandages . He shook his head at the dreadful thought .

"Language Will . Language" calmly , she warned almost pushing him aside to get to her door with jingling keys in one hand and her precious handbag in another .

He rolled his eyes at her murmuring under his breath -  Rachel and her mindfulness of language even in such terrifying situation .
"Seriously sweetheart" he followed her inside .

"This cat !" She groaned staring at the mess in the middle of her living room .
Queen Bell , too dirty for her mommy's liking covered in mommy's favourite pineapple juice . Glass jug , surprisingly still in one piece after Bell's obvious abuse lying on floor . "Bell you are in deep trouble girl." She warned picking up orange cat soaked in yellow liquid in her arms trying to avoid staining her own clothes in vain .

"Mind lending a helping hand mr scared shitless " she mocked at somewhat lost , too deep into thoughts Will. Her voice jerked him out of his thoughts . He blinked before glaring at the mess Bell made before looking at Rachel's retreating back and cat's swinging tail .

"Sure sweetheart" he whispered yell unsure if she could hear from bathroom where Bell was facing karma for abusing jug by getting bathed by gravely irritated Rachel.

Beth's worlds kept ringing in his ears . Was she regretful for the part she played in Rachel and Aaron's broken marriage? What she wanted to tell her ? Or could it be one of her tricks again to hurt Rachel in some way otherwise , why would a woman like Beth beg so helplessly ?
Confused and dejected he begin cleaning the floor . Somewhere , so deep inside his heart he still held a soft corner for the woman he once loved so truly however , denial seemed to be the best option for him . She looked sick and so vulnerable and as long as he remembered Beth was someone who never let people know if she is sick or vulnerable . 
He tried , God knows he did but he could not get the picture of her trembling as tears rolled down her pale face out of his mind .
And then there was the girl who had his heart now . His best friend . No matter what Beth wanted , he could not let her be near Rachel again . Her face was enough to bring sadness to her and he could not allow that .

"Lazy bird still rubbing the floor ?" He heard her yell from the bedroom -when did she go to the bedroom ?  He wondered almost ignoring her question and clear annoyance in her tone .

"Hey you !" Now she was standing behind him , bent down to poke a finger in his back . " You're useless . I will take care of this "She spoke pointing her finger now at the dirty floor before adding " myself after returning , right now we need to visit Rosie"  hastily she announced before briskly returning to her bedroom to take her bag .

He rose to his feet , straightening his now wrinkled shirt caused due to struggles of cleaning that damn floor . Floors are stubborn , so are juice stains -and he decided to forget the thought of ever firing his clumsy , good for nothing housemaid.

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