Chapter 35

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Bonjour guys! I am back with the new chapter . It's short I know , but as we progress towards the ending and story unfolds the chapters might get shorter .
I can not thank you enough to wait for new chapters . I will do my best to write next chapter within one week . And like always I will be waiting for your comments and precious votes :) :)

Author's POV

Rachel feared for the thumping of her anxious heart . She almost felt it jumping out of her chest . She moved her red ,puffy eyes to the door . They had taken her inside only five minutes ago but it felt like hours . Just as she blinked Rosie's frightening pale face flashed before her eyes . She could still feel her cold , lifeless hand in hers. She couldn't feel her pulse. Shutting her eyes close , muffling a cry she shook her head . She will be alright . She convinced herself .
But she could not deny the fact that she brought this to Rosie.

"Rachel!" A breathy voice called her . She looked up to find Mathew in front of her .  Fear and confusion visible on his face .

"What happened ? Why she is here ?" He questioned anxiously. 

"I don't know " in a low voice all she could say was that. Ashamed and frightened , she looked down avoiding his questioning eyes. Sooner or later he would demand explanation . What would she say? how will she bring herself to tell Mathew that all along she knew Rosie was in danger and she did absolutely nothing for her.

Rather than asking any further question from her he silently leaned against the wall waiting for someone to tell her that his dear little sister is going to be okay .

"I would like to talk to you" Soon one of the doctors that was inside came out and spoke to Rachel. She immenditely turned to her with all her attention almost ignoring Mathew who stood next to her.

"She is alright now , stable but she needs to be under observation for twelve hours  at least . Plus her mental health is not good . For that we'll be sending her to a therapist ."

Rachel felt at ease a bit . Mathew beside her took a sigh of relief , when he received the critical call from Rachel informing him about his dearest little sister being taken by paramedics he felt the earth under him shaking . He thought he lost her . His only family left . He had almost lost his sister.

" Depression and stress is dangerous for the health of her unborn child as well" doctor spoke again making both Rachel and Mathew shift their eyes towards her in a swift motion .

Rachel almost gasped as she realized that Rosie had gotten pregnant with Brendon's child and this could be a part of his plan. How would she help Rosie out of this now. Before ,she only loved him and it got so difficult for her to leave and now she was carrying his baby . And all because of Rachel . She let him trap her when she could've helpled her .And now Rachel doubted if Rosie would even believe her . She was afraid Rosie would trust the father of her unborn child instead of her . Thats how she was , she knew her friend . And she very well was aware that love can make rational person blind . She just hoped Rosie would believe her and right now she really did not want to think what could happen if she did not.


Covering her frail body in a fur coat and cold ,pale hands in a pair of leather gloves she stepped out to be faced with icy wind . She hissed . Harsh weather again . She was told to stay inside , rest well but she had to lift some weight off her chest . She hadn't been able to sleep last night and nights before that . Since the day doctor told her she has very little time to live . She swore to herself that she will mend the hearts she had broken.

Walking severel feet with twitching lips , she stopped to count small amount of money she had before hailing a taxi .

She did not stop practicing mentally the things she would say to her . But deep down she knew nothing was going to work . The damage was too severe . The cuts were really deep . Her heart was broken into million of pieces and she could never collect them in such short amount of time . She might only had this one chance to talk to her in case she agrees to even listen to her . One meeting could never fix months of pain and heart break and disapintments . But that was probably all she could do .

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