Chapter 19

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Hi! everybody I know I wrote that i would upload new chapter by late march but I couldn't keep my promise . I tried very hard to upload this chapter a week ago but I couldn't I am so sorry guys . From now on I will upload chapters with just one day gap .

thanks for supporting me .
I read a comment asking me why i write movement instead of moment everwhere .first of all thanks for pointing out my mistake without that I would never notice this mistake . i think i should try to edit more carefully . I apologize again for not uploading on time .

so guys i hope you will like this chapter its quite short and its mostly about Will .
dont forget to vote and  comment


Author's POV

"Rachel I can't tell you how happy I am " Jess said as she stepped into her shoes

"Jess I don't understand what makes you so happy about me having coffee with Will" Rachel said looking at her with small smile on her face

"You are finally going to move on"

Rachel's smile was gone just as she spoke those words

" Jess I already told you for like thousand times that I am not going to date him" 

Rachel had already decided that she will never give any guy a chance and her reasons were quite simple
First she didn't wanted wanted to get hurt in same way again cause that's what you get out of Love and second she still couldn't get Aaron out of her heart .

Jess's voice took her out of her thoughts

"Yes yes I remember your words now hurry up or else you will get late" Jess said as both of them started to make their way out of her apartment.

"I am not going to get late Jess"Rachel said as she locked her apartment door from outside .


" You should have let Will pick you from your apartment but no why my dear Rachel put guy in trouble when she has personal driver "Jess said sarcastically and Rachel pinched her cheek

"You're right my dear cute little  driver now go home"

"You are mean!" Jess said as Rachel opened car's door

"Rachel tell me everything when you will come back home"Jess said before Rachel stepped out

"Why do I need to tell my driver everything" she said to tease her

"I will burn you . You witch"she shouted

"I am going bye"Rachel said playfully and went away .

"Rachel!" She heard his voice making her turn around to look at him

"Will I thought you tricked me" she said while walking towards him

"Why did you think that?" He asked when she reached him

"What else was I supposed to think . You said we are going for coffee but you told me to come to this park first and that you would be here before me but you weren't so I ...."He spoke before she could complete

"I would never trick you Rachel" his voice was deeper when he spoke this  unlike his usual voice

Rachel nodded her head before speaking again

"So what's the reason of coming here first?"

"Well my reason is little bit stupid but it somehow makes sense" he said as they started to head towards his car

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