Chapter 8

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Two days its been two freaking days she is gone and i still have no clue where she is . I did everything I could but in vain .
And Jess she is not telling me anything she is not even talking to me I am lucky that Dean is my best friend he told me that she don't know either .

I guess I deserve this pain . I deserve to feel what it's like to left alone . Even Darcy is giving me silent treatment cause she know how much I have hurted her


I sit in living room every night to wait for her like she used to do . It's unbearable   to wake up without her next to me . Why people realize their  mistakes when it's too late . How stupid I was to let her slip away like this .

How much difficult I was for her to wait for me in this room knowing that I was with some other woman . Still she used to do everything to please me .

The love we used to share is just left in our faded memories . I lost that love , I lost her and most of the above I lost myself the very next second I raised hand on her . There is nothing that can change the fact that how ruthless,how  heartless, how mean I was to her .

Everything of this house reminds me of her . Everything is so silent now.and the pain is eating me inside out . I never loved anyone like I loved her and I never hurted  anyone like I hurted her .

Where can she be? She don't have parents to go to . She don't have enough money . What if she eats something or  not ?what if she finds shelter or not?
If something happens to her I will never forgive myself.


I was sitting on bedroom floor when bell came into room . She didn't even took bell with her its because she didn't even knew where she is going . She couldn't took care of bell when she didn't had enough money for her own self .

I took bell in my arms and let the tears fall down from my swollen eyes .

"I know you miss her too Bell"I said looking at innocent cat .

She used to take care of her alot . Cats were her life she loved them so much . I remember the night I threatened her that bell can't live here anymore how hurt she was just because of me I hate myself for everything I have done

"How can we find her Bell?" I know it's stupid to ask questions to animals but it feels so satisfying that's what she used to do . She used to talk to animals like they can actually answer us .
I smiled at this thought and its the first time I actually smiled in two days .

I remember the day when we bought bell .

I was in my office when my phone rang I looked at callers Id and without wasting a second I picked up the phone

"Hello baby" I said

"Aaron when are you coming?" She asked

"Is everything alright ?"

"Gosh you forget again . We are going to buy my pet today . Your memory is so weak" she said irritatedly

"I am sorry baby . It just slip out of my mind . " I apologized

"So when are you coming?"

I quickly stood up and took my car keys from my table and went out of my office .taking the lift to ground floor I speak again

"I have important meeting to attent i dont think so i can show up today"

Just as I spot my driver outside the building I threw my keys towards him . He opened the car door for me and I sat in . I said as slow as I could "to my girlfriend's apartment" he nodded and started the engine .

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