Chapter 39 (Last Chapter)

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Last chapter - part 3

Dear readers,
Here is the last part . I hope you will love the way this book is going to end and even if you don't , feel free to tell me in the comments section .
I can't thank you guys enough for your support and love !

Happy reading !

Third person

Will called her name , his eyes fixed on her tear stained face .
She shook her head to compose herself , tugged few strands of hair behind her ears , placed both hands on either cheeks to wipe away the wetness that still was there and huffed.

"I am fine , Will. I just need to go home now . Tell Rosie I will visit her in the evening ."
Her voice firm , eyes moist and red . He refused to buy that she was fine .

"You are not fine , No . But if you want to go home , I will come with you ."
He announced. He had an idea of what they had talked about and right now was not the right time to ask her .

She shook her head , tried to calm her irregular breaths before speaking .

"She wants to talk to you and you shouldn't waste time . Her visiting hours are about to end for the day. "
saying that she was already pacing towards the exit ignoring Will calling her name , asking her to wait and his swift footsteps to catch up to her pace .

Cold wind from the road welcomed her as she left the well warm hospital indoor .Her surroundings falling into darkness of appraching storm .She walked quickly past the parking lot and silently thanked God glancing at the green light and cars waiting behind the white line on the road . She briskly crossed just in time . The light changed to red making Will curse under his breath . He watched from distance as she looked to her sides wanting to hail a taxi.

Finally in a hospitals parking lot , Aaron unfasted his seatbelt and promptly hopped out of his car . Searching around for the man he had sent to secretly protect Rachel and Will .Before he could spot him he found a very inpatient and panicked face waiting at the pavement , his eyes across the road . Aaron followed his gaze to find Rachel staring at cars speeding by , her eyes desperately searching for something . He forced himself to tear his gaze away from her .

And then his heart stopped beating for a moment when his eyes caught a terrific scene . A man stood there cladded in a hoodie , a mask covering his face yet exposed eyes perfectly focusing on his target . The shooter moved his eyes towards Rachel . Aaron's heart threatening to break free from his ribcage . He felt his legs frozen and breaths irregular.
He intented to scream for help but no words came out .

And then the unknown man ripped his eyes away Rachel and moved to his original target .
He took a aim at Will , shut one of his eyes , so close to pulling the trigger.
Aaron raced towards him , his mind blank now except for a single thought to save his life .

Rachel peeped through swift vehicles to see if her friend was still there but what caught her eyes shook the earth underneath her . A man aiming at Will with a gun .

With a boom all sounds around her defended for a brief moment , her eyes squeezed shut , she had no plan on opening them , she was too weak to witness the scene . Then in seconds she could hear . She could hear panicked screams and muffled whispers , she could hear sirens and whistles , her thumping heart and a gasp that escaped her trembling lips .

She finally opened her eyes expecting to find the dreadful sight , her best friend in pool of his own blood but what she found instead froze her to the core , her mind reapting one word No , heart ready to deny the obvious . She wished to find the strength to shut her eyes close and upon opening find a different perosn lying there on the pavement across the road . Her selfish heart wished someone else , anyone else to be there instead of him .

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