Chapter 4

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I was standing in front of my closet from last 2 hours couldn't decide what to wear . After all it was my first date with any guy

After thinking too much I finally decided to wear blue knee length dress with golden thin belt on waist . I let my hairs down . Wearing golden flats and doing some makeup I got myself ready .

Just as I was done putting lip gloss my door bell rang without caring about tripping over something I ran towards door . Opening it I found Aaron holding flowers in one hand.

"You look beautiful" he said giving me flowers I happily collected them from him and brought them close to my nose .

Sweet smell of roses filled my nostrils .

"Thank you" I said giving him a smile .

"Can we go now" he asked

"Yeah of course but let me put them in vase first" I said and he nodded in reply .

After putting flowers in vase , me and Aaron made their way out of my small apartment . Gladly he didn't bring his driver with him today . It would feel awkward otherwise .

"Wow...." my jaw dropped to see a sight in front of me . I had never been to this kinda restaurant and how could I be? my parents never brought me with them  and when I started  doing job I never had enough money .

"I like to come here" he said holding my hand .

"Why there are no other people except waiters?" I asked when I realized we were the only costomers there .

"I don't want any one to intrupt us" he said leading me towards our table .
I wondered how did he managed to do this .

He pulled a chair out for me to sit .

A true gentleman
I thought

"Thank you" I said as I sat down on comfortable chair .

"So what you wanna eat?" He asked .

I checked the menu . Well I love fish so without thinking twice I said


He nodded and ordered fish for us both along with wine .

"This is so beautiful" I said looking around

"Not more than you" he said causing me to blush .

We were standing in front of my apartment . Looking into each other's eyes from last 3 minutes .

No matter how long I look into pair of those grey eyes I can never get bored

"Thanks for such an amazing night" I said finally looking away .

"If you want I can make every night like this" he said before leaning in to give me peck on lips .

"Good night Rachel" he said before moving towards his car

"Goodnight Aaron" I said and walked inside my apartment .

How can I forget that wonderful day . The day I fell in love with him with all my heart, soul and body . Things might get rough between us but they can never stay like this forever cause i have faith in our love .

I looked at clock it was the time when Aaron usual come  home . Today I gave  leave to Darcy cause i wanted to prepare dinner for him myself .

I set everything on table include vase with red roses . My wait was  finally over when i heard front door open .

I ran out of kitchen to find Aaron standing near enterance . I hugged him tightly but my happiness went away when i smell ladies perfume from his shirt . I pulled away form him and looked into his eyes . I was always able to read his eyes but i couldn't do it anymore .

"Hi honey" he said kissing my cheek

"I ... prepared...... dinner" I said trying to get myself out of negative thoughts .

Maybe it's just smell of any perfume not ladies one and don't be so smart Rachel you don't know the smell of every single ladies perfume
I thought just to convince myself .

"Let me change and I am coming okay?" He said in his soft ,sweet voice I can die for .

I nodded and went towards kitchen again

After exactly 5 minutes he entered in kitchen .He sat on table

I sat besides him and started serving him

"You made this" he said sounded  surprised . I nodded with stupid smile on my face that I can't take away whenever he praise me .

He started  eating and I was waiting for him to complement  my cooking skills .
Finally he was done eating all that time I ate so little cause something inside me was annoying me even I though I convinced myself that it wasn't ladies perfume I was still anxious .

"You cook so good Angel" he said planting a soft kiss on my forehead .


Eating so little caused me wake up in the middle of the night . I looked beside me and see  shirtless Aaron sleeping . Just as i was about to get up from bed to go to kitchen my eyes cought something . I moved closer to him .

Not believing my eyes I traced my fingers along the hickey on his collarbone . I couldn't believe what I was seeing .
I was right about that perfume thing . He was with some girl .  how long he had been seeing her?

I laid back on my side of course I lost my appetite . I looked at him . With teary eyes . My heart was beating so fast .
What should I do ? Should I wake him up to ask? Should I stay quite? Should I wait for solid prove? God my head was gonna explode .So many questions were popping in my mind .

I silently kept on crying till I ran out of tears .

Aaron's POV

I didn't knew why I kept on repeating that mistake . I didn't wanted to  cheat on her but what a jerk I was I couldn't keep myself in control .

Last night the way she was waiting for me, the way she prepared dinner for me I die beacuse of guilt every second  that was eating me alive.

I woke and first thing I did was to look at my Angel sleeping next to me .

Why her eyes were so swollen
Was she crying?

Sunlight woke her up . She slowly and then all at ones opened her eyes . Her eyes were so red .

"Had nightmare ?" I asked kissing her forehead

She looked into my eyes for some time before answering

"Worst one"

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