Chapter 16

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The idea of leaving club alone at mid night wasn't so good and I realized it when
I felt someone following me but every time I turn back all I see was dark , empty street but just when I start walking again I felt foorsteps following me . All of the sudden a car came in front of me out of nowhere it's lights blinded me for a minute . door opened and a man step out facing me

"What the hell--" I said just as I realize who is he

"Before you say anything else let me tell you someone was following you maybe robber or someone more dangerous"

So I was right God anything could have happened to me

"But it doesn't change the fact that you are following me too" I said in cold voice
"Yes i was following you but i have genuine reason for it"

"Mind to tell me what's that genuine reason?" I asked raising my eyebrow

"Well if a pretty girl decide to walk out of club in the middle of the night she can get in many types of trouble so I should be there to be her knight in shinning armor"

His statement made me furious he was definately looking for a chance which I wasn't going to give him

"I am not some damsel in distress for you to save so it's better for you to mind your own business" I said in rudest tone

His expression changed to hurt when I said that but why should I care about this stranger

"If I wasn't there he would've robbed you"

"Oh really well thanks for saving me now you can go" I said and started walking again but he grabbed my hand stopping me

"What's wrong with you?" I said irritatedly

"You think that he will not come back these kinda people follow you until they get  money or something so let me drive you home"

He is right but why I should ride with stranger he can be dangerous too what if he is  murderer or maybe gang leader
I thought to myself

"I won't ride with you" I said and started walking again

"Fine don't ride with me but at least let me walk you home"

"How can i believe that you are not dangerous person"

"What?" At first he became shocked then he burst out laughing

"Seriously girl can't you differentiate between people"

"Look I don't need your help I can get myself home safe and sound "

I started walking but then I noticed that he was walking behind me i didn't said anything instead I kept on walking until I reached my house

"Why you stop?"

I turned back to look at him

"Cause its my house"

"Oh" that's all he said before I ran into my house maybe he has more to say but i didn't stayed to hear him .

"What a stupid guy" I said just as I locked the door after entering the house


I woke up by sound of my door bell . With heavy head and sleepy eyes I walked towards door opening it I found person I was least expecting


"What are you doing here?" I asked in cold tone

"Honey can i come in ?" She asked in sweet voice well I am not gonna fell for it

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