Chapter 24

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Bonjour everybody !
            I am really sorry for taking  so many weeks to unload this chapter but this is a long one . I hope you will like this chapter and I again apologize for all grammatical and spelling mistakes in this book . I will try my best to upload next chapter soon

"What's happening here" Will's deep voice wiped the smirk off Beth's face and replaced it with a frown .

''What are you doing here " with trembling voice she asked . She didn't want him to know that she is still that cunning  bitch she used to be .

"None of your business" he said in cold tone before  stepping  closer to Rachel and when their eyes met , he saw those blue orbs filled with tears which caused him to feel a pang  in his heart for some reason .

'Rachel..." before he could complete she was already gone . Beth's presence was suffocating her . Her words were still ringing in her ears making her remind every single time he broke her trust but her fragile heart couldn't take it anymore . She wanted to stop thinking about him and that new information Beth had provided her .

"What did you say her ?" Will yelled without caring about the people around them .

''Why are you yelling at me baby . I didn't make your friend cry " she used the word friend only for her satisfaction . She wanted to make herself believe that Rachel is nothing to him but just a friend whom he is with just out of pity .

"We shouldn't create a scene here " with that Both Jess and Rosie left followed by Will .
Beth wanted to kill that little  barbie doll for whom Aaron didn't want to see her face and Will yelled at her , she didn't want to see hate for her in his eyes especially not after that meeting they had when she saw Rachel for the first time . She had almost convinced him that she is sorry for everything she did , and that she is a completely different person now .

Jess breathed a sigh of relief as she saw Rachel standing next to her car in parking lot . As she saw three of them making their way to her , she quickly wiped the tears away with the palm of her hands .
The last thing she wanted right now was sympathetic comments from her friends . She was very well aware that they care but she didn't want them to feel sorry for her all the time .

"Are you okay ?" Jess asked with concern at which she just noded . She was feeling bad for ruining  her wedding dress shopping .

''Rachel what happened in there ?" Will asked .


Will stole a glance at Rachel from driver seat . Her head was pressed against the window , lost in her thoughts she was looking outside but her eyes were showing that vacant look which only put a frown on Will's face .

Finally  Jess  found her dream dress . She had gone home with Rosie leaving Rachel no choice but to accept Will's offer to drive her home . Events of today kept flashing before her eyes . She couldn't stop thinking what Beth said .

She tried to close  her eyes for a moment trying to find some peace but that was almost impossible with Aaron occupying her mind and Beth's words still ringing in her ears .

"Are you alright?" A voice caused her to open her blue orbs to look at him before nodding.

"What Beth said to you ?" his voice was calm but she could see the raging fire in his eyes and she didn't want to drag him in her mess .

"Nothing " she looked away from him as couldn't bear those green eyes looking into hers so intensely .

She could notice that the conversation they were having right now was different from their previous conversations but since she had told Will about Aaron something changed but she couldn't tell what .

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