Chapter 2

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Callies POV

Arizona was taking the twins to their practices today at 6:30, most of the time it only last an hour or an hour and a half, they really enjoy playing though and have a game on Saturday. Luke likes to play his X-Box which is fine you know but we don't like him on it all day, Sofia is actually a really responsible teenager. She gets all A's and always has her homework done by the time we get home from work. She also helps us out with getting the kids from school on days we have late surgeries.

"Mom" Sofia says coming into the kitchen

"Yes Mija?" I ask

"Can I go to Aunt Mers?" She ask

"You have school tomorrow" I tell her

"I know, I promise I'll be in school" she says and I sigh

"Fine, just make sure you go to bed at a decent time" I tell her and she wraps her arms around me

"Thank you, Thank you" she says and goes upstairs

"She's happy" Arizona says coming down the steps

"Mmhm" I say and kiss her lips and pull her into me,

"I love you" she says softly

"I love you more" I smile

"Momma have you seen my bag?" Olivia ask coming downstairs

"It's next to the door Liv" she answers

"Is Luke still on his X-Box?" I ask and she nods

"I believe so" she says and I walk upstairs to Luke's room,

"Luke" I say walking into his room

"Yea Mom" he says and looks at me

"Cut the game off" I tell him

"But I'm in the middle of one!" He protest

"Luke.." I say and he sighs and cuts the game off

"Thank you" I say

"Yea, can I go play with Matt then?"He ask

"Yep, go for it" I say and he gets up putting his shoes on and going outside,

There's another house on the other side of the wooded area that people just moved into and they have a boy Luke's age that he likes to play with.

I followed Luke downstairs and walked back over to Arizona, it's only around 4 now and we got out of work early today but we're still on-call

"Come sit" I tell her and she follows me into the living room and sits on my lap as we cut the tv on,

"Do you want to go on a date with me?" I ask her and she smiles

"Of course, if we can get away from the kids" she chuckles

"Sounds like a plan" I say and kiss her head as we continue to watch TV, before we needed to start dinner

"Ollie, Liv, come set the Table" Arizona says and they comes down and put everything out,

"We have to leave a little early for practice so we can drop Sofia off" Arizona tells the kids and they all nod,

After dinner Luke loaded the dishwasher while the twins and Sofia got all of their things

"Bye, love you" she says giving me a kiss and ushering all the kids out the door leaving Luke an I,

"Is your homework done?" I ask him

"Yes" he replies drying his hands

"Luke" I say. He has a reputation of not doing his homework

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