Chapter 6

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Arizona's POV

Today was the first Saturday in forever that we were able to sleep in. Usually we're on call or the twins have a game. I woke up and seen Callie still sleeping so I cuddled further into her and fall back asleep for a while,

About an hour later I feel her moving trying to get up without waking me

"I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean to wake you" she says giving me a kiss

"It's okay" I smile and sit up,

"What do you want to do today?" She ask me,

"Whatever is fine" I say getting up to brush my teeth and use the bathroom.

After we finished getting ready still in our pajamas we walked out and downstairs to see what kind of mess was made

"Morning Moms" the twins say at the same time on the couch both playing on their iPads

"Hey guys, you the only ones up?" I ask and they nod

"You want some breakfast?" Callie ask them

"No we already ate" Ollie replies

"What did you eat?"

"Cereal" they say and then back to their game

"Well that was easy" I chuckle

"Mmhmm" she mumbles and kisses me again

"You guys have a room" Sofia says coming down the steps

"So do you" I say and she rolls her eyes

"Yea but" she says then stops

"Nothing" she smiles and gets herself some cereal and sits down at the table,

"That's what I thought" Callie playfully tells her

"Hey momma?" Liv ask coming into the kitchen

"Yes baby?" I ask turning around

"Can you ask Aunt Lexie if I can stay with her?" She ask me

"I don't know hun, you were just sick yesterday" I say and she frowns

"But I feel all better" she says

"Then go take your temperature" I say and she runs upstairs and back down with the thermometer,

"101.1" I say

"Momma it's lying! I want to go see Brooklyn. Please" she pouts

"Liv you can't go and get her sick too" Callie tells her

"Mommy I'm not sick anymore please" she says stomping her foot

"Olivia. No, you're not going around other kids while you're sick, you can stay next weekend I'm sure" Callie tells her

"Why are you so mean? You never let me do anything!" She says with her attitude and stomping her feet on the ground

"Olivia Faith!" I scold

"Momma" she whines and walk over to me

"Enough with this attitude, merely 9 in the morning. Now go sit your butt back down on the couch" I tell her and she goes to protest but then walks away.

"Don't you love kids" Sofia jokes

"Don't even, you had your fair share of tantrums and attitudes" Callie tells her

"I don't think so" she chuckles and walks back upstairs and Luke walks down

"We told you. Monster when she is sick" he says sitting down at the table and lays his head on it

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