Chapter 4

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Arizona's POV

Something seemed to be bother Luke earlier, he just hasn't been acting like himself either. I am glad that him and Sofia have that nice sibling relationship though

"Hey baby" Callie says getting into
Bed with me

"Hey love, how was work? I didn't see you much" I say and give her a quick kiss and she lays down next to me

"I know, I had so many emergency's come in today" she says

"I'm proud of you for being the best orthopedic surgeon there is" I smile and lay my head on her chest

"I love you" she chuckles

The next morning we were woken up at like 4 by Olivia climbing into our bed

"Liv?" Callie questions still asleep

"Bad dream" she replies and gets under the covers in between Callie and I

I got up to pee and then got back into bed to get up at 6 to wake the kids up for school,

"Liv, go get your clothes out" I tell her and she nods taking the blanket she brought in last night with her and Callie and I get up after her,

They have 3 weeks of school left and Luke turns 13 in  2 weeks, we are super proud of him. He does very well on school and is always the first one to help the twins resolve a problem amongst themselves, he was definitely a blessing at only 4 years old. I'm so glad we were able to bring him into our family and at the right time.

I woke up Sofia and Luke was already awake laying on his bed on his phone

"You okay?" I ask him

"Yea momma I'm fine" he says and I nod leaving him be and going downstairs to start some breakfast

Everyone had came downstairs after they had gotten ready, well all but Liv

"Where's Liv?" Callie ask

"She was in her room" Ollie says and Callie walks upstairs

Callies POV

"Liv" I say going in her room. She was back in her bed

"Babes whats going on? We got to get to school" I tell her and pull the blanket back a little and she pulls it back up

"I'm not going to school" she says


"I don't feel good" she says and I walk out to grab a thermometer to take her temperature,

100.1 it read, its low but its there. She is just like Arizona when she is sick too. They both know if they are going to get sick somehow and both get grouchy

"Okay, I'll be back" I say and go back downstairs

"Where's liv?" Sofia ask

"She doesn't feel well" I say and they all groan

"What?" I ask

"She's a monster when she is sick" Sofia says and the rest of the kids agree

"Yea, it's like momma but worse" Ollie says

"What? I am not that bad when I am sick" Arizona says and I chuckle

"Callie?" She smiles

"I'm sorry baby but you get grouchy when you are sick" I smile and she shakes her head

After breakfast my dad said he would come over and sit with Liv until we got home. Over the past few years I have gotten really close with him and so have the kids,

"Thanks for watching her" I tell him as I start grabbing my keys

"Not a problem Mija, we will see you later" he says and kisses my cheek as we all leave,

All of the kids are in different schools now, well besides the twins. We dropped Oliver off at Elementary school, Luke at Middle and then Sofia drives herself to Highschool,

"Sofia wants to know if she can stay out later tonight with Zola and a few friends. She said she is going to the movies" Arizona says as she reads the text on her phone

"Yea that's fine with me, what time is the movie?" I say

"She says it starts at 8" she says and I nod

"Okay, yea I'm okay with it," I say

"Yea me too, just have her be home before 11:30" Arizona says and I nod,

It's not like they have school tomorrow anyway.

We pulled up to the hospital and went out separate ways as I had a few consults to get too

Luke's POV

After moms dropped me off I went straight to my first period class. I just wanted this day to be over already. I had already seen Josh but before he said anything I was able to get away.

After first period it was 9:45 now and I was walking to my next class. My teacher had written on the board that he would be a little bit late to class and for us to just start working on the warm-up. I took my usual seat in the back and got to work before anyone came in,

As the students started to filter in Josh and his buddies walked in just before the bell, and walked to me

"Don't even" I say not bother to look up

"Don't even what" he mocks and I stand up

"What are you going to do? Did your daddy teach you how to fight? Oh that's right you don't have one" he says and that was it! Sofia's words ringing through my head I had finally had enough and I don't even know what happened,

I was on top of him on the ground, punching him. I had blood on my knuckles and the next thing I knew people were standing around as my teacher pulled me off of him,

I stood there looking at him while he held his now bleeding nose. Alex had taught me a few things over the years and I guess it all just came out

"You bitch" he growled as the teachers walked him to the nurse and me to the office

"We have a no-bullying tolerance! And you know this Mr.Robbins-Torres" my principal starts telling me

"I know" I say and hold my hand close to my stomach

"Then why did your teacher have to physically pull you off of Joshua?" He ask me and I roll my eyes. It's not like they cared before why would they now

"I wish he wouldn't have" I mumbled

"What was that?" He says and I shake my head

"Nothing" I say and he goes back behind his desk,

"A teacher will bring your things down, you're suspended until further notice." He says and dials a number on the phone, to one of my moms I presume,

A couple minutes later a teacher I hadn't recognized brought me my things and I was alert sitting there until my mom came,

Till next time ❤️

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