Chapter 15

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Callies POV

It's now the third week of school and so far the kids are loving it. After everything happened with Luke last year those kids they were now in separate classes to prevent any other incidents.

Sofia was loving the internship program. Her and Jack have been spending almost every day together. We still haven't met her parents no matter how much arizona and I have been bugging Sofia about it.

I had just finished a surgery where a 17 year old girl had gotten in a car accident and and her bone had punctured her skin, I had to go in and place plates and rods for it to heal. They said she was texting and rear ended the back of another car while going full speed. After I scrubbed out and went down to the pit.

Sofia comes after school and most of the time Luke will come and sit in Arizona's office. The twins recently joined the after school club at the school. It was all their idea and Arizona and I were a little skeptical about it at first but Amelia was having scout also attend since her and Linc work passed 3
Most days.

It was almost time for school to be letting out, as of right now I had no more surgeries planned despite any emergencies that might come up.

Ever since the once encounter with Luke's birth mom we haven't seen any more of her. She hasn't came around and didn't try to contact us. Luke doesn't talk about wanting to see her so we don't worry too much about it anyway.

I was signing some discharge papers now and Sofia and Luke walk in

"Hey mom" Sofia smiles

"Hey mija, how was school?" I ask

"It was okay, have you seen Jack?" She ask

"You miss your girlfriend?" Luke jokes with her

"As a matter of fact I do" she chuckles and Jack comes up behind me

"Hey" she smiles

"Speaking of the girlfriend" Luke chuckles

"Go to mommas office" Sofia tells him and he smile and walks away

"Hey Dr.Torres" Jack says And Sofia rolls her eyes

""Hey Jack" I smile and both girls leave to get ready for their shift. They work everyday, Monday through Friday from the time they get back from school to about 6. We have to pick the twins up from their after school program before 6 so it usually works out perfect, Arizona, Luke, the twins and I usually get home around the same time Sofia does.

"Dr.Torres, incoming trauma" a nurse yells and I put a yellow gown on and some gloves to go out and help

"Torres, Wilson, Rig two. Schmitt with me" April says and we go to where she tells us

"65 year old male, head on collision. Stats are good, has yet to regain consciousness" the EMT tells us and we roll him in

"Page shepherd" Jo says and we start checking him over until Amelia comes down

"Car accident. Was unconscious in the field and still is" I say and she nods going around checking his pupils

"Okay, let's get him up to CT" she says and Jo starts to take him up.

"You need me anywhere Kepner?" I ask

"No, we're good" she says and I nod going back upstairs to check on Luke

"How was school" I ask sitting down on the couch and he was sitting down at at Arizona's desk

"Good. They give us so much homework though" he says

"I'm afraid to tell you it doesn't get better. The work just keeps coming" I tell him and he groans

"It's horrible" he says

"Need any help?" I ask him

"No...unless you want to do it for me" he suggest and I laugh

"Oh no, I have already been through all this" I say and he rolls his eyes

"Fine," he says and I smile

"If you need anything just text me" I say and leave him be as I walk up into the lounge to grab a water out of the fridge

"Hey" April says coming in after me

"Oh hey" I smile

"Do you know what's going on between Luke and Harriet?" She ask me

"Luke and Harriet?" I ask

"They are always talking to one another. I walked into Harriets room last night after I heard her talking to someone at almost midnight and they were on FaceTime" she says

"Huh, I didn't know that" I say

"Maybe they're dating?" I chuckle

"They are only 13" she exclaims

"Who knows" I shrug and she smiles and shakes her head and was paged for another trauma

I mean, Luke and Harriet have gotten closer over the last few years but I don't think they are having a "relationship"

Since it was a relatively slow day I went ahead and picked up the twins and brought them back to the
Hospital and we would just wait until Sofia was done and head home together. I left them in Arizona's office with Luke and went down to see Sofia since it was less than an hour until she was off

"Hey mom" she smiles

"Hey babes" I say giving her a hug

"Can Jack stay the night?" She ask

"Sure, if its okay with her parents and you still have school tomorrow" I say and she smiles

"Thank you" she chuckles and I go to walk away

"mom?" She says and I turn around

"Yes mija?" I reply

"Where's momma? I have been looking for her all day" Sofia says

"Oh! She is on a plane to Boise" I tell her

Till next time❤️

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