Chapter 10

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Arizona's POV

It's now the day after the 4th of July and we were leaving tomorrow for our vacation, a week long cruise through the Bahamas, we had always wanted to do this but wanted to wait until the twins were old enough,

All of the kids were really excited about it and won't stop talking about how much fun they are going to have

Sofia also got selected to do the internship at the hospital, turns out Zola didn't want to do it. Instead she is taking extra classes this summer.

So far though Sofia likes it. It's mostly front desk work but she does get the opportunity to shadow us on rounds, if she wants to continue when school starts back up it will become a paid position

"Momma can we go now?" Liv ask me like she has for the last 3 hours

"Liv we can't until tomorrow" I tell her and she sighs, the cruise didn't start tomorrow but the day after we were just flying out tomorrow

"Bye momma" Sofia says heading towards the door

"Where are you going?" I ask her

"The hospital?" She says

"Oh.. okay, have fun I love you" I say

"Love you too" she says and walks out

I wiped down the counters on the kitchen and walked out into the living room where the twins and Luke were playing some board game

"Wheres mommy?" I ask

"I don't know" is what I get and I leave them going upstairs to find Callie,

She was in our room in bed reading some book, i quietly laugh and walk in and lay next to her

"Hey baby" she says kissing my head and going back to her book, she reads for a few more minutes then sets it down and turns her attention to me

"Did Sofia already leave?" She ask and I nod

"Yea, I'm glad she likes the internship though." I say

"Me too" she smile and gives me a kiss

"Are the kids excited?" She says

"Liv keeps asking why we don't leave now" I chuckle and we both get up from the bed and walk downstairs,

"Is all of your things packed and your rooms clean?" Callie ask the kids

"Yea" 2 out of the 3 of them say

"Olivia" I say and she looks at me

"Go clean your room" I say and she groans

"But momma, it's vacation time" she protest

"You're room needs to be clean before vacation" I say

"Can I do it later then?" She ask

"Now please" Callie says and she gets up and walks up to her room

"They listen better to you" I say leaning into Callie as she is against the counter

"You're too nice" she chuckles

"I am not" I say

"Okay baby" she says and wraps her arms around me

"You're too nice" I say and she laughs

"Only sometimes" she says and starts humming as Ollie and Luke continue their game

"What time will Sofia be home?" Luke ask

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