Chapter 17

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Arizona's POV

I don't know how much longer we will be able to last out here, the sun has already came and gone again, something happened to Derek and they had to do something to help him, I don't really know I haven't moved in over 24 hours and I can't feel either of my legs, it's getting so hard to stay awake, harder to fight. It's cold out here. Very cold.

The only thing I'm fighting for is my family, they need me and I need them,

Callies POV

Over 24 hours and I'm going crazy, no one has any idea what's happening, the kids keep asking for Arizona and I don't have the heart to tell them their mother might not come home, I can't do it. Jo went and got the twins so they have been staying with her and Sofia and Luke have been at the house, I was still in the hospital now making as many calls as I can and forgot all about Sofia being in for work

"Mom? Where's Momma? Somethings wrong if she won't answer me" she says and I stop

"Sofia... come here mija" I say and pull her into an exam room

"Mom... you're scaring me" she says

"The plane momma was on... never made it to where she was supposed to get to, and we don't know where she is. Or anyone on the plane for that matter" I say and she sits down next to me

"Is she dead?" She ask with tears in her eyes

"No.... we can't think like that. I'm sorry I didn't tell you I didn't want you to think the worse. We have to keep this between us though" I say and she nods and cries into my shoulder as I hold her close

"What about Zola? And Bailey, Ellis? Brooklyn, Mila? What happens to them if their parents don't come home?" She ask wiping her eyes

"They will come home...... don't say anything to Zola. I don't know if she knows" I say

"You don't know... mom they might not come home. It's been over 24 hours in the middle of the woods somewhere" she says and Bailey comes in with a sad smile

"Sofia, take the day off. Go spend it with your siblings , your mom will come home" she says

"No... I need to be here" she says and walks out of the room

"I'm sorry Callie" she says

"Still nothing?" I ask and she nods

"How can they not have found them yet!?" I sigh and put my head in my hands.

"Maybe you should tell your kids" she says and I looks up

"Let them know what's going on" she says and I nod and go to find Sofia and we go to Jos to pick up the twins and go home to Luke,

"Guys come have a seat" I say and everyone piles in the living room

"Is momma coming home soon?" Oliver ask

"Ollie..... um, momma had a surgery in another state so she was on a plane with some other people to go do it. Well when no one had heard from them and the hospital said they didn't show up, their plane never landed. Momma was in an accident and we don't know where she is yet". I say

"Is momma hurt?" Liv ask

"Is she dead?" Luke ask

"No! Mommas not dead" Ollie says

"Mommas not dead, she might be hurt but she will be okay" I hope anyways

"There are people looking for her now and as soon as they find her I will tell you" I say

"Can we go look for her?" Liv ask

"No baby, she's not around here, we don't know where to look" I say and she looks down

"But we got to find her" she says

"I know, we will" I say and her and Ollie both climb into my lap and rest their head on my shoulder

"I miss momma" Liv cries

"I know baby, me too" I say brushing her hair out of her face,

"Luke?" I say, he hasn't said anything and looks pale

"Luke?" I say again and he passes out and I get the twins off of my and go over to check on him

"Sofia get me a wet cloth" I say and she runs into the kitchen and brings it back and I rest it. His head and he wakes up a minute later

"You're okay" I say running my fingers through his hair

"I don't feel good" he says and gets up and goes to the bathroom

"Stay here" I tell the others and follow him back and rub his back as he gets sick

"Momma has to come home" he says

"Bubba I need you to calm down, you're making yourself sick" I say rubbing his back and he does

"Mommas strong, they are going to find her and she'll be okay" I say

"Mom your phone is ringing" Liv yells and brings me the phone


"I got a call, they found them. I don't have any details yet but come in and I'll tell you what I know"

I got off the phone with Bailey and make sure Luke was okay,

"Okay grab your iPads and come on" I say, I'm bringing everyone with me and they are going to need to have something to keep them occupied while at the hospital

"Where we going?" Sofia ask

"The hospital" I shay keeping it short and she nods

Once we get to the hospital Jo and Alex were already there, I had asked jo to come in and keep an eye on the twins while I talked to Bailey

"Go sit" I say and they walk over to the chairs but Sofia stays

"I have to see Bailey, I will come tell you everything" I say and she gives me a hug and walks over to them and I go to baileys office

"Torres" she says

"Well?" I ask

"They found them, and I have no details but, 2 fatalities and 2 in critical condition" she tells me

"I don't know which is which but... I said I would keep you updated" she tells me

"I need to go to the hospital" I say

"Callie" she says

"Uh my family has a plane, I'll call my dad and have him get it ready, 30 minutes tops, you coming?" I ask and she nods and I walk back out to the kids

"Is momma okay?" They ask

"I don't know, they didn't give us any information. About their condition. Bailey and I are flying over there now" I say, I know I told them I would tell them everything but with not knowing the fatalities and the critical conditions I'm not going to scare them

"You can't fly! Look what just happens to momma" Sofia says

"I'll be okay, I promise and I'll call you ask soon as I land" I say and give them each a hug

Till next time ❤️

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