Chapter 26

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Arizona's POV

Today is my first day back at the hospital, I'm nervous and excited at the same time, initially I was supposed to be off until January, today is only thanksgiving so I'm not too early,

Richard and Catherine are having a big thanksgiving dinner of which all of us are going too. I'm not sure about Meredith, she hasn't been in the hospital since Derek died,

Dinner starts at 6 and Callie and I get off at 4:30, Sofia didn't need to come in today and neither did Jack so they are at the house with Luke and the twins

I was just paged down to the pit for a consult, I definitely missed being in my element. Not that I don't enjoy having a day off every once in a while but 4 months with no work was driving me crazy

"Dr.Robbins, it's good to see you" Dr.Edwards says

"Thank you" I smile

"What to we got?" I ask

"11 year old came in with a hurt right wrist and parents claim he fell if his scooter but the looks of it, it's broken from being grabbed and twisted" she says and I frown as we walk over to the little boy

"Hi I'm Dr.Robbins, what's your name?" I smile

"Colton" he says shyly

"What happens to your wrist Colton?" I ask

"I fell" he says and I gently take his wrist in my hand

"You fell? What wrist hurts?" I ask, both of them seem to be broken

"This one" he says and holds up his left wrist, he had initial complaints of the right so this doesn't add up

"Okay, does your right one hurt?" I ask and he nods

"Colton did your mommy or daddy or grab your wrist really hard?" I ask and he hesitantly nods

"My daddy does sometimes" he says softly

"Does he ever hit you?" I ask and he nods

"Take him to x-ray and page ortho" I tell Stephanie

"Are you going to call CPS?" She whispers and I nod

We're mandatory reporters if we suspect or are told that a child is being abused

"Okay, Dr.Edwards here is going to take you to get some pictures of your wrist okay?" I smile and he nods and I go to talk to the parents

"Are you Colton's parents?" I ask

"Yes, what's wrong with him?" The mom ask me

"He has two broken wrist, he is going up to X-Ray now" I explain

"How did these injuries happen?" I ask

"I told the other doctor, he fell" the dad says angrily

"Okay, well the injuries that he has happens when your wrists is grasped and twisted forcefully causing it to break and causing immense pain when not healed correctly" I say annoyed

"Are you saying I hurt my son?" He ask raising his voice causing everyone in the E.R to look over at us

"Is everything okay?" Owen ask coming over to us

"This bitch is saying I hurt my kid!" He says

"Okay you need to not call one of my surgeons a bitch and you need to calm down" Owen says sternly

"I never said you hurt him, I just explained how the injuries happen" I explain and turn around and walk away

Soon enough CPS got there and I explained to them my suspicions and what Colton had told me, they said they would conduct an investigation and take it from there

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