Chapter 13

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Saturday July 25th

Callies POV

Today was the twins birthday, they turned 9 and currently asleep in bed while Arizona and I are downstairs getting some surprises set up for them, this year instead of a party we're just having a big sleep over.... yay us.

Arizona was also in contact with Erica and she is going to bring her kids up for a few days. So including them we had about 9 kids staying the night,
Scout, Brooklyn, Chloe, Max, Tyler, Ellis, Bailey, Zola, and Harriet might come.  There were a couple of Luke and Sofia's friends coming over as well so it's not just a bunch of 9 year olds

"Balloons?" Arizona asks me

"Shit, I left them in the car. Hold on" I sigh and walk outside to my car and grab the balloons so we could finish decorating the house a little bit,

We got them a few presents they would open when they woke up and made chocolate chip pancakes this morning and a Funfetti cake last night. Cake for breakfast anyone?

"It looks good" Arizona smiles looking back at all of our hard work we had put into this for the past half hour,

"It does, they should be getting up soon" I smile and give her a kiss

As we were getting all the toppings out for the pancakes we heard footsteps on the stairs and got ready so we could surprise the twins

"Happy Birthday!" We say and they smile and laugh

"Happy Birthday!" Sofia says coming down the steps followed by Luke

"Happy birthday Ollie" he smiles

"It's my birthday too" liv says and he chuckles

"I know, happy birthday Liv" he says and she smiles

"Come on we made pancakes" I say and everyone hurdles into the kitchen

"Momma you forgot the syrup" Ollie says looking around and I chuckle going to get the syrup and brining it back out to him

"Thank you!" He giggles and puts some on his pancakes

"What time is Brooklyn and Scout coming over?" Olivia asked us

"Around 4, then we'll order pizza for dinner, set the living room up with blanket forts for a movie night then head to bed" I explain

"I can't wait!" They say excitedly

It was 30 minutes till 4 now and the kids were waiting anxiously for their friends to show up, Amelia, Derek,Meredith and Jackson were on call tonight so us having all the kids worked out well,

Mila was also going to be staying so Lexie and Mark could have the night to themselves

Sofia and Luke came downstairs and opened the door for Zola,Ellis and Bailey,

"Mom and Dad had to go to the hospital" Ellis says walking in and they all go upstairs,

Not too long after another knock at the door revealed Amelia with scout, he was just a few months younger than the twins are now,

"Hey" she smiles  and comes in with his bag

"You all are going to have so much fun tonight" she laughs

"So much" I say and roll my eyes

"Bye mommy" scout says and gives her a hug and Ollie comes down to meet him and they go back up to his room and Amelia leaves and Lexie brings Brooklyn and Mila in,

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