Chapter 12

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Happy Greys Day!

Callies POV

Today is the last day on the boat, we were to dock in about 5 hours now. Sofia and Luke were spending their time walking around together and checking out some of the activities they liked while Arizona the twins and I are meeting up with a few kids they met on our first day.

"Mom can we have some money?" Sofia ask me before they left

"Go tell momma, she has it" I say and she smiles and runs over to Arizona and I seen her give both kids some money and they left.

"Why do they get to go by theirselves?" Liv ask. She has been trying to escape us the entire time

"Became they aren't 8" I reply and she smiles

"I'm almost 9" she says

"Me too!" Ollie giggles

"Duh" Olivia says, she definitely has the biggest attitude in the family.....

"Can we go now?" Ollie ask

"We have to wait on momma" I say and Arizona comes out of the bathroom

"Impatient much?" She chuckles and the kids grab both of our hands as we walk down to the pool,

Once we get there they let go of our hands and start running to meet their friends

"Erica hey" Arizona's smiles

"Hey" she replies

"This is my wife, Callie, Callie, Erica" Arizona Introduces us. But I know her from somewhere, she looks awfully familiar I just can't seem to pin it

"Callie Torres?" She smiles and Arizona gives me a confused look. And I think about it for another minute before it clicks.

Erica Hahn. We went to Med school together, the first girl I ever messed around with.

"Hahn" I smile and she gives me a hug

"You two know each other?" Arizona ask

"Um yea, we went to med school together, you're a surgeon too right?"  I ask and she nods

"Cardiothoracic surgery, you?" She says

"I'm ortho and Arizona is in PEDS but also specializes in fetal surgery" I explain

"That's amazing" Erica says and we all sit down while the kids play in the pool.

It's really odd seeing Erica here, we had gotten pretty close through medical school, the first women I have ever been with. We were friends for a while before then one night it kind of happened. She has never even had feelings for another women until that night then, it happened a few more times then she disappeared and I haven't heard from her since.

"The kids seem like they get along really good" I say and Arizona and Erica both nod

"They do! The kids wouldn't stop talking about seeing them for days" Erica chuckles

"Where do you live now?" She ask us

"We're in Washington, we'll Seattle" Arizona says and she nods

"We're in San Diego" Erica says and Liv walks over to me and sits in my lap

"Olivia your soaking wet" I say and she giggles

"When are we going to be home" she ask laying against me

"We're flying home tomorrow" I tell her, today's the 13 of July. Yesterday was Brooklyn's birthday but her party isn't until tomorrow and we should land in Seattle just in time.

"My birthday is almost here" she says excitedly

"I know, you're getting old" I say poking her stomach

"Whose older? Me or Ollie?" She ask

"Um, you by a few minutes" I say and she jumps up and runs back to the pool

"Ollie I'm older than you!" She says and jumps in

"She looks a lot like you" Erica says to Arizona

"Yea she does" I say

We let the kids play for another 2 hours and Luke and Sofia had met us down by the pool and it was time for us to head back to our room,

"We'll have to see if we can get together again" Erica says and Arizona smiles and nods

"Sounds good! I have your number so I will text you" she says and we say goodbye and make our way back to the room to get all of our things ready to leave

The next day

We were just about an hour before landing in Seattle now and Ollie had switched seats with Sofia so he could sit next to me, he's not a fan of flying at all, he was laying his on my arm while we waited for the plane to land

Once we landed we drove to the house so we could take all of our bags inside, we were planning on unpacking when we got back from Brooklyn's party since it started at 4 and it was already 3:30.

"Okay let's go" I say and usher all the kids back into the car.

Once we got to the part the twins jumped out of the car and were ready to tell everyone about their trip. We had told them not to talk about it too much..

"Callie! You made it"'Mark says coming up to me

"We wouldn't miss it" I smile and we walk into the house together

"How was your trip?" He ask me

"It was good, much needed. And you'll never guess who we seen" I say and he turns around

"Who? George? Because that would be hilarious" he said and I roll my eyes

"Okay... That was college and I'm surprised you still remember I told you about him... but Erica" I say

"You're first lesbian lover?" He ask

"We never had anything more than a sex relationship" I say

"Sex relationship with who?" Arizona says coming up behind me

"Got to find the birthday girl" Mark says leaving us

"Hm?" I say and she stares at me

"Calliope" she says

"Erica..." I say

"You slept with Erica?" She says surprised

"In med school.... she was the first women I slept with" I say and she chuckles

"I thought you meant recently" she says with a hand on her chest then starts laughing

"Why are you laughing?" I say

"Callie.... I know I'm not your first, I think lts funny how your nervous" she says and gives me a kiss

"But why didn't she say anything" she ask

"Maybe she forgot" I add

"Oh you're definitely not forgettable" she giggles and I pull her into me

"You're ridiculous" I laugh

"What? The sex is really good, plus you're the love of my life and the light of my day, i love you" she says and I smile and give her another kiss

"I love you more, now let's go before they start looking for us" I say and she nods as I take her hand in walk into the house together

Till next time ❤️

Also I would highly recommend checking out calzonaloverr profile, I absolutely love her Amezona stories and they definitely do not disappoint! Each chapter is amazing! So run don't walk and check them out!

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