Chapter 24

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Arizona's POV

I woke up not in Sofia's bed which confused me at first then I remembered what happened last night, I didn't want to wake her so I laid there thinking and reflecting over the last three weeks, I have been a horrible mother.  Not doubt about it. I plan on changing that today, I understand the kids will have questions and I'm going to try my best to be open about it with them

We're also going to have to do something about this Tucker kid. Still in shock that someone could actually do that to Sofia, she's the sweetest teenager I've ever met, the poor girl can never catch a break,

A few moments later she rolls over and opened her eyes

"Good morning" I chuckle and she hums to acknowledge me and closes her eyes again,

The alarm clock on her end table reads 9:56, usually around the time the twins make it known their awake,

I heard Sofia's door open and there stood Callie in shorts and a baggy t-shirt smiling at me

"Hey" I smile and sit up

"Hi" she says back to me

I leans down and got my prosthetic on and kissed Sofia's head before getting up, she had a rough night so she'll probably sleep a little longer

"You look good" Callie comments, I feel good. Better than I have the past three weeks. Turns out she was right, I just needed to get out of that bedroom

"You coming downstairs?" She ask and I nod, I really appreciate her not making a big deal about the leg,

She walked slowly down the stairs in front of me while I held on to the railing

Making it down the steps without falling is such an achievement and I was super proud of myself

We turned the corner and the twins were at the table with cereal

"Momma!? What are you doing?" Olivia ask shocked and gets up to hug me, almost knocking us both over if I might add

"Well I missed you, I'm sorry I have been a downer, but we're going to change that" I chuckle And she smiles, Ollie still yet to say anything

"Can we see the leg?" He ask

"Oliver!" Callie scolds him and he sits back in his chair, I knew he was going to ask. He's been pretty curious about it

"Yea bud, just let me sit down" I say

"Are you sure?" Callie ask

"I am" I smile and sit down on the chair, I was standing on the other side of the table at first so he couldn't see it when I walked down

When I sat down Ollie and liv both came over to look at the leg

"Does it hurt?" He ask me

"Not at all" I say and Olivia just pokes it causing Callie and I to laugh,

"Hey mom, momma?" Luke says coming down the steps and walks over to me to give me a hug

"Hey bubba" I smile and he sits down at the end of the table

"You look better" he says and I smile

"I feel it too" I reply and he smiles

Once they all ate breakfast they left Callie and I alone to talk

"So what happend?" She ask me

"What do you mean?" I ask, already having a guess at what she means

"When I left you didn't want to leave the room, I came back you were in Sofia's bed and now you're walking around" she says and I sigh

" if I tell you the first part you can not freak out yet okay? And I didn't realize how I was acting took a big hit on the kids, I never meant for that to happen and I realized I was being a shitty mother and I want to change that going forward, starting today" I smile

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