Chapter 7

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Arizona's POV

The following Wednesday all the kids are in school, well besides Luke.. his principal called and let us know he could go back on Monday, he still hasn't told us what happened.

Liv started to feel better on Sunday and she went to school Monday.

Luke sits in my office while we work and he does his school work that his teachers have been sending him.

"Robbins" Bailey said behind me and I turn around,

"Yes Dr.Bailey?" I ask

"Is Sofia interested in the internship?" She asked me, the hospital does internships for juniors and seniors who want to have a better look of what goes on inside the hospital

"I don't know she hasn't mentioned it" I tell her

"We'll figure it out, applications are only open for another week" she says and I nod as she walks away.

Sofia has always been interested in what Callie and I do she used to come with us and Mark would sneak her in the gallery of a small surgery and she would just watch,

I got paged down to the pit and Callie was already down here working on another patient

"Zoey this is Dr.Robbins. She works on little kids like you" Helm says

"Hi, Zoey" I smile,

"What seems to be the problem?" I ask and she just winces at the pain and her parents speak up

"She has been complaining of not feeling well and says her stomach hurt really bad" her mom tells me and I nod

"Okay Zoey can I lift your shirt a little?"  I ask and she nods as I feel around her abdomen, I push on her right side a little and she winced and tries to move  away,

"Has she gotten sick at all?" I ask

"Twice" her parents tell me And I use an ultrasound machine to confirm what I think it is.

"Okay, it looks here like she has an inflamed appendix which we need to take out, it's a small procedure and will take less than two hours" I explain

"Okay, when?" They ask

"Now, we need to get it out before it gets worse" I say and they nod

"If you could go over to the nurses station and fill out some papers and we could go ahead and get started" I say and they nod walking over there while Helm and I move her to OR 1

"You ready?" I ask

"Me? You're going to let me do it?" She ask

"Do you think you can?" I ask as we scrub in

"Yea" she says

"Okay then" I smile and we both go in,

I have her talk through the steps and she removes the appendix perfectly and she closes and we move her to a patient room,

"Let's go update the parents" I say and she smiles

Updating the parents went well and helm took them up to Zoeys  room and I stopped in to check on Luke

"Having fun?" I ask

"The most" he says

"How's it going?" I ask

"Good I'm almost done" he says and I nod and Callie comes in

"Oh hey" she smiles and gives me a kiss

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