Chapter 18

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Callies POV

Bailey, Owen and I are all on my family's plane on the way to Boise, the thought of the two fatalities running through my head, could Arizona be one of them? I can't lose her. I just can't.

When the plane lands we Taxi over to the hospital and rush inside

"We're here for the surgeons from Seattle Grace" Bailey says and one of the nurses nods and brings us back to a hallway

"The two fatalities are in a room, we assumed you would want them taken back with you. One of them just got out of surgery, she was in bad condition, her leg..... is going to need to be amputated but she wouldn't give us permission..... and we have one under a lot of morphine so he is asleep, two of your surgeons, both Dr.Greys will be fine, aside from the obvious PTSD," she explains

"Where's Arizona?" I ask

"Dr.Robbins wheres Dr.Robbins" I state again and she leads me into a room,

Arizona lay there sickly in the bed just staring out the window,

"Arizona" I say happy to see her alive and she looks over at me and gives me a small smile

"Calliope" she says and holds her arms out and I cared hug her as close as I could get her, then I noticed her leg. The doctors said one would need their leg amputated, it must be her

"Don't" she says automatically

"Zona..... it's infected, you know this" I say gently, holding her hand

"Don't let them take my leg Callie, please" she says with tears in her eyes

"Okay, okay," I assure her and press a kiss against her head

"The kids miss you, Liv has been asking for you constantly." I say and she smiles

"God I miss them, I have missed you all so much I- I thought we were going to die out there" she says and brings her hands up to her face

"You're not dying, you're going to be fine and the kids are excited to see their mom" I say and Bailey walks in

"Good to see you alive Robbins" she says

"Yea....Deluca didn't get so lucky, and Derek? How's Derek?" She ask. Deluca must have been one of the fatalities

"He's asleep, a lot of morphine" Bailey tells her

"We're trying to get everything set up to get you all back home, Callie can I talk to you?" She says and I give Zona a kiss and step out with her

"She needs to lose the leg" Bailey tells me

"I know, you can look at it and tell it's beyond infected. She will never agree to it," I say

"And I can't make her, Miranda it's going to kill her" I say

"Talk to her about it, she's a surgeon. She knows as well as all of us it needs to go if she wants to see Sofia graduate" she tells me and I nod

"The two fatalities?" I ask

"Andrew and the pilot. Marks got a messed up hand, Derek... asleep right now, Lexie and Grey will be okay" she tells me,

"How. Far are we from getting them home?" I ask

"An hour,"

We just made it back to Seattle Grace, the kids are begging to see their mom, Zola and her siblings all came in to see their parents

"I wanna see momma" Sofia says

"I know, just wait" I say and she sighs and sits back down while I walk up to see if she is up for the kids

"They want to see you" I say

"I want to see them" she says

"You sure?" I ask

"Yea" she says and I nod and text Sofia,

All of the kids came up and slowly came In

"Momma!" Liv exclaims

"Olivia, voice" I say

"Sorry" she says and walks over to Arizona

"I missed you momma" she says and gives her a hug

"I missed you baby" she says and kisses her head and all the kids each give her a hug and they talked and I could tell she was getting Tired so I had Jo come get them, she has been a huge help these past few days

"I don't want to leave" Liv pouts when she gets there

"Momma needs to rest, you can come see her tomorrow" I say and she nods and they all say good her to her and I sit down next to her

"Thank you" she says closing her eyes

"Get some rest, I'll be here" I say and kiss her head and she eventually falls asleep and I step out and was paged to the pit,

"I'm not on-call" I tell Bailey when I see her

"All of my surgeons are out, I need you" she says

"I can only work on bones?" I say and she sighs

"Yea... . Um, can you just go help?" She ask

"Yea of course, but I want to be paged once Arizona wakes up" I say

"Of course" she smiles and I go down to the pit where I seen Zola talking to Sofia

"Hey girls" I smile

"What's going on with my dad? Mom won't tell us anything" she says and I sigh

"I don't think it's my place to say Zo" I say


"I don't know much, all I know is that he had cardiac tamponade, and he is under a lot of medication keeping him asleep right now" I tell her

" cardiac tamponade? Isn't that where there is fluid or something around his heart?" She ask me

"Yea, but the pressure was released and they took care of it in the OR" I tell her

"Thank you. For telling me" she says

"You're welcome" I say and go find April so I can assist in the pit

A  few days later

The past few days have been the same, the kids would come in after school to see Arizona, she isnt allowed to come home due to her leg, so we will be in here for a while.

The infection in her leg has gotten drastically worse now, and she knows it and is still persistent about keeping the leg, I have tried so many times to get her to understand that it needs to go.

I am in surgery now, I haven't been doing elective surgeries only emergencies so I could be with Arizona. Halfway though the surgery Alex comes in

"It's Arizona. There's a problem" he says

Till next time❤️

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