Chapter 23

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Arizona's POV

"None of us care that you have one leg! We care that your alive, Zola just lost her father. Forever. We have you, physically anyway, you never come out of your room, you always cover your leg when we come in, Olivia doesn't even like to come in here anymore momma, she used to be so stuck up your ass and now? She doesn't get excited to see you anymore! She thinks you don't like her.

Do you understand what we're going through? Yea you lost a major part of you and it sucks. I get it. You're allowed to have feelings but so do we. Mom saved your life and your acting like the ended it. I miss my mom, I miss the women who brightens up any room she walks in. The women who made little kids feel better, I miss her! We deserve a mother who is there for us, a mother who is there for me when I almost got raped tonight and needed someone to talk to but you only care about the stupid fucking leg!" Sofia yells and walks out slamming her door

Sofia's right, I'm a horrible mother. This is the last thing I ever wanted to do to my kids. I never wanted them to feel abandoned,

I let losing a leg get the best of me. Sofia is 100% right. I'm alive. And that's more then Derek. I have been acting like my life is over and it's not.. this isn't the end, it's Just a bump that I will get over. But right now my daughter needs me.

Looking around the room I find my prosthetic and I stand on one foot so I could reach it and sat back down on the bed, I put the leg on just like Callie does for me each time, carefully making sure it is secure and standing up

I never walk alone on it, the first time I did I fell and gave up for a few days and Callie monitors me now

I made it to my doorway and now with nothing to hold on to I took a deep breath and walked down the long hallway to Sofia's room, I heard her quiet sniffles on the door and it broke my heart,

I opened the door and she looked up at me and put her face back in the pillow, I made it over to her bed without tripping over the things on the floor and sat down in the middle of it and placed my hand on her back,

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I haven't been there. I'm sorry I have been caught up in my own feelings about the leg and I didn't even think about how this affected you guys, I'm sorry, I can't take back the last 3 weeks but I promise to change going forward. I promise to change...." I say wiping my own eyes and she rolls over and sits up embracing me in a hug.

I missed this, the sincere hugs,

"Tell me what happened" I say as she pulls back, her hand still in mine and she looks away as more tears fall

"I went to a party with Jack.... and it was fun. But some guy came up to me offered a drink.... I declined and I left him to go back with Jack" she tells me and I nod listening as she continues

"Then— I stepped away to call Zola like I do every night and that guy found me again... and and he pushed me on the bed" she says starting to choke up

"I tried to get him off momma I did. But he was holding me down, he almost..... Jack came in and he ran out," she says and I pull her into me so she couldn't see tears fall from my eyes

"Did he.. did he touch you? Or do anything?" I ask her and she shakes her head

"No, he got my jeans off though.... it was so close momma" she cries against me.

Anger. It enrages me that Sofia had to go through this. The night could have ended so much worse if Jack hadn't walked in when she did.

"Do you know his name? We're going to have to go to the cops, it's attempted rape" I say softly

"I only know his first name is Tucker.... and can it wait till tomorrow?" She tells me

"Okay... we can wait" I say pressing a kiss against her  head

"Can.. can you lay with me?" She ask me

"Of course" I say and get up to cut her light off since she had her lamp on and sat down back on her bed,

She moved over so I could lay next to her

Taking a deep breath I took off my prosthetic and laid it on the ground next to her bed and got under the covers with her and she laid against me

"I love you momma and I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier" she says

"Don't be sorry, thank you actually for making me think about how it affected you guys.... I love you so so much Sofia" I say kissing her head and laying down with her after cutting her lamp off

Callies POV

I hated having to get paged into work tonight, it was one very long surgery and I wasn't even walking out of the hospital until 12:30,

I drove home and dropped my keys on the table and walked upstairs to get clothes out for after my shower

When I walked in my room and Arizona wasn't in the bed I freaked out, quickly running into the bathroom to see if she had fallen

"Arizona!?" I called out,

Not seeing her in there i panicked a little more now

"Arizona!?" I yell out again and walk down the hall to see if she went to see the twins,

Both of their rooms came up with only them In it so I checked Sofia's room

Arizona lay in Sofia's bed while Sofia was curled up next to her and on the floor. Arizona's prosthetic

She never let the kids see it let alone be uncovered with them around and now she is under the same cover with Sofia,

Smiling to myself I walked out and down the hall to Luke's room and he was in his bed watching some show

"It's past midnight why are you awake?" I ask him

"Sorry I lost track of time" he says and cuts his tv off

"So mommas in Sofia's room" I say

"Yea... they were fighting then next thing I know momma was walking down the hall to her room" he tells me

"Fighting about what?" I ask

"I don't know. Sofia was yelling and that was it I guess" he says and I nod

"Okay well, go to bed. I love you" I say and cut his light off

"Love you too" he says and I walk back down to my room so I could shower before I got into bed, I work night tomorrow so I don't have to get up until the kids wake me..

Till next time ❤️

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