Chapter 21

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Callies POV

"Arizona! Just sit your ass down" I finally snap after hearing her complain the entire time about getting fitted for a prosthetic today, we have only been sitting in the doctors office for 5 minutes

She has been in a depressed mood ever since we got home and the kids have definitely started to notice, I don't blame her though, it's not her fault and I will be by her side through everything

She's also a lot more irritable with me now too,  she was pissy about having to come in today because she didn't want anyone to see her, she still covers up when the kids walk in the bedroom,

After I snapped I turned back to face her and she had a sad expression on her face,

"I'm sorry" I say crouching down to get to her eye level and she looks away,

"I'm sorry I snapped okay? But this is not going to work if you don't cooperate and give it a chance" I express and the doctor comes back in

"Dr.Robbins, it's good to finally meet you, I'm Dr.Palmer. Do you mind if I go ahead and look at your leg?" He ask

"Go ahead" she replies coldly and looks away, she has Trouble picturing herself without it

Dr.Palmer takes his fingers and works them into her skin, just as I do every night and walks over to a table and brings over many different styles  of prosthetics

He noticed her being uneasy about it and didn't make her feel like a burden which I deeply appreciate

"Why don't we work on this while you go grab some coffee?" He ask me and I nod getting at where he is going

"Yea of course" I say and pat Arizona's thigh and get up and walk out to distract myself for a little

There was no school today so the twins were at their school program and Luke was at the neighbors while Sofia was around here working somewhere

"Hey Callie" I hear Jack say and I turn around

"Hey! Have you seen Sofia around?" I ask her

"Nurses station on PEDS" she says,

"Thank you" I say and walks up to the PEDS floor, it's odd for her to be up here especially since she had no reason to be up here

"Sofia?" I say when I see her beach standing towards me chatting with the nurses

"Hey mom" she smiles turning around to face me

"What are you doing up here?" I ask and she says goodbye to the people she was speaking with and we started walking back downstairs

"Oh! I just had to deliver some paperwork" she says

"I thought momma was getting her prosthetic?" She ask me

"She is, just being stubborn about it" I say and she sighs

"I miss her.... and Derek comes off the vent next week and Zola is losing her dad and I have my mom still but— it's like she isn't there" she says blinking away her tears

"I know, and I'm sorry. She will get better I promise" I say bringing her into a hug and she wraps her arms around me while we stand in the elevator

"I love you" I say pressing a kiss against her head

"I love you too" she says and backs off wiping her eyes before the doors open and walked out as if she was totally fine

She gets that from Arizona, Arizona could be hurting for days and won't say anything to anyone. I think that's another reason this has taken so much of a toll on her, she is used to bottling up everything but with this being physical, she can't. Sofia will talk about what's happening physically but isn't one to talk about her feelings

I did a consult in the pit. Just a small fractured wrist and went back to Arizona and Dr.Palmer

Arizona's POV

"Alright Dr.Robbins are you ready?" He ask me and I sigh, I know I'm being a bitch to everyone about everything, it's a lot. You wake up with a very critical part of your body gone and what? Everyone expects you to be all rainbows and sunshine about it? It's ridiculous

"Dr.Robbins?" He questions again

"What?" I snap, like I said bitchy to everyone, I'm just so irritated all the time, all I want to do is lay in bed

"I need you to stand to see if this feels okay" he says and I sigh as he helps me stand up, he's tiny, has black glasses and short brown hair

"How's it feel?" He ask

"Fine" I reply and sit back down

"Okay. Obviously you don't want to be here and I'm not going to waste my time with someone who doesn't want to help," he says taking off his gloves and going to the door

"If you decide you will be cooperative I will be back" he says and walks out Leaving me in the room to deflect on myself

I'm just tired, I'm tired of it all. I'm tired of pissing Callie off, I'm tired of doing things, I'm tired of being here: I just want to go home and go to bed where all my problems disappear

I sat there without moving for at least 10 minutes Before directing my gaze to the table full of the different prosthetics,

I picked one up and started examining it, it was a lot heavier than I had anticipated, I put it down and reached to pick up another option,

This one seemed lighter and more of a right option for me,

As I was looking at it I didn't see Dr.Palmer come in and jumped a little when I had noticed him

"Are you ready to try again?" He ask and I nod, he smiles and comes over to me

"So I was observing and you didn't like this one?" He ask holding up the heavier one

"It's just heavy" I reply and he nods

"Okay" he smiles and holds up the one I had been looking at

"May I?" He ask and I nod looking away as he Secures  it to my leg and helps me stand up, this time instead of talking he let me get situated, Then helps me sit back down

"How was that one?" He ask, almost saying it was fine again before remembering what happened last time

"It pinched a little right here" I say and point to where it was pinching

"Okay, not a problem. Let's try a similar on" he smiles

Callies POV

I got down to Arizona and Dr.Palmer was making a phone call

"How did it go?" I ask her

"Good" she replies

"So we found 2 we liked right now, I ordered them from the company and they said they would be here tomorrow and you can start practicing" he says

"That is amazing!" I say

"It really is," Dr.Palmer agrees

Well now that, that is taking care of the problem is to get Arizona to actually use the leg

Till next time ❤️

If you have any suggestions/ideas for a new story/one-shot/ or chapter, comment or message me!

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