Chapter 25

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Arizona's POV

It's been about 2 weeks now since I have been up and moving. Jack is coming over for dinner tonight.
I also have an appointment with Dr.Palmer today, I was supposed to go in last week but never wanted to go to the hospital yet so I'm getting over that and going in today.

There's also no school today so we have to take the twins with us. Luke's at a friends house and Sofia is at work. Callie has a surgery at the same time as my appointment so it will just be me and the twins,

"Olivia we have to go" Callie yells up at the stairs, she had went up 3 times now to change her outfit

"I'm coming!" She yells and comes running down the steps and over to me

"Okay let's go" I say and we all get loaded in the car. Sofia was already there since she had to go in at 9 this morning and it's almost 10 now, my appointment was at 10:15 and Callies surgery at 10:30

"Alright do you want to go to the daycare or come with me?" I ask the kids from the front seat

"With you, all the babies are in the daycare" Ollie says and I chuckle

"Okay well you have to listen" I say and they agree

When we got to the hospital Callie left to get changed into scrubs and the kids and I walked to see Dr.Palmer.

I was wearing baggy jeans over the prosthetic and I brought a pair of shorts to put on while he was doing whatever it was he needed to do

"Hi, Arizona. Good to see you again" he smiles

"And kids, it's good to meet you" he smiles at them

"Hi" Olivia says

"What are your names?" He ask

"I'm Olivia and thats Oliver. We're twins!" She exclaims and I chuckle

"That's exciting" he says and turns back to me

"I have to go and grab a few things I'll be back in like 10 if that's okay?" He says

"Yea of course, we're early" I say and he smiles and walks out

Oliver filtered around the room looking at all the prosthetics, not just legs but fingers, arms and other ones lined across the room

"Don't touch anything" I tell him taking of my jeans and putting on the shorts I brought and sitting down on the bed, the room was open and a lot bigger than most rooms, it was connected the the gym/physical therapy room for easier access.

"Can I play your phone?" Olivia ask me and I hand it to her so it would keep her distracted

I looked back over at Ollie and he was picking up the random prosthetics,

"Oliver Timothy" I say sternly and he looks over at me

"Come sit"'I say patting a place next to me and he puts down what was in his hand and walks over and sits next to me

"I'm sorry" he says and looks down at the floor

"I know your curious about it all but we can't just go and touch everything" I explain and he nods

"Maybe if we have time afterwards Dr.Palmer will show you a few things" I say and he smile and Dr.Palmer walks in

"Sorry that took so long" he says and pulled up his chair to sit in front of me and Ollie watches what he does.

Being exposed without the leg in front of the kids still scares me a little, the thought they will think differently of me, even though they are only 9 and don't care. Olivia couldn't care less as she was still focused on a game on my phone

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