Chapter 9

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Arizona's POV

Today was Friday and all of the kids would be out of the house at their sleepovers, we were dropping them off a little before dinner time then Callie and I were going out,

It was a relatively slow day today, so a lot of us hung out in the lounge until our scheduled surgeries and Amelia and Linc walk in

"Arizona can you do an ultrasound?" Amelia ask worrisome

"Yea, of course" I say and get up and follow them down to a patient room

"What's going on?" I ask

"I'm- scared and so stupid. With Scout I was feeling him move around already and I'm not with this one and it's taking me back to Christopher. What if somethings wrong? What if our baby doesn't have a brain?" She says and Linc kissed her head

"It's going to be okay" he assures her and I lift her shirt so I could put the gel on her stomach and start moving the wand around. Once I find the baby I smile, but their baby is smaller than it should be for the first week of her third trimester

"Arizona?" Amelia says and I look over

"What's wrong?" Linc ask and I smile

"Nothings wrong, your baby is just a little small but that is nothing to worry about" I say

" is she under developed? Is everything okay though?" Amelia starts naming off things

"Amelia, she is fine, I promise" I say and she relaxes a little

"Then why doesn't she move?" She ask me

"She is just getting her strength up, plus a calm baby does not mean anything is wrong" I assure her and she nods

"Thank you Arizona, I really appreciate this" Linc says

"It's not a problem, anymore questions?" I ask

"I don't think so" they say

"Okay well if you think of any just call" I smile and leave them in the room and I go back to find Callie.


Later that day all the kids had their things and was ready to head to their sleepovers

"Everyone have everything they need?" Callie ask and they all nod so we get in the car and take them to their desired spots,

We were dropping the two oldest off first at Derek and Merediths,

As they were getting out Meredith and Ellis came out

"Hi Aunt Zona. Aunt Callie" she smiles

"What happens to auntie?" I chuckle

"I was 5" she laughs  and all the kids go inside

"Thanks for letting them stay" we tell Meredith

"Oh it not a problem" she says and we talk a little more before saying our goodbye and driving to Lexie and Marks house

"Give me your bag" Callie tells liv as we help them out of the car and inside

"Auntie zona!" Mila exclaims running over into my arms once Lexie opened the doors

"She still calls us auntie" I chuckle picking her up and she goes to Callie to give her a hug and back down

"Brooklyn" Mark says walking over to Callie and she comes out and over to the twins

"Hi" she smiles and gives us a hug and they all go back into her room along with her sister,

Once we had left there we went back home do we could get dressed,

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