Chapter 8

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Callies POV

A week later and things have seemed to resolve, not that Arizona and I aren't upset at Sofia still but Luke has said he forgiven her and they went back to the way they were before. This weekend though Arizona and I will have the house to ourselves for a night,

The twins are going to stay with Lexie and Mark so they could play with Brooklyn, and Sofia and Luke are going to Merediths, Bailey is 2 years older than Luke but they still get along pretty well and he has always been Bestfriends with Ellis and they got pretty upset the first year they were in separate classes.

Arizona and I got off early today, well just on-call for Emergencies,

Luke's birthday is on Sunday and next week is their last week of school,

Luke said he just wanted everyone to come to the house so that's what the plan is.

We also want to plan a vacation before the twins birthday we just don't know where yet,

"Hi" Arizona smiles when I walk into the living room

"Hey baby" I say and give her a kiss before sitting down in between her legs,

"I have plans for us on Friday" I say

"Really?" She smiles and I nod

"Mmhm" I mumble and kiss her

"What are we doing?" She ask

"Well... it's a secret" I say

"Baby" she pouts and I chuckle

"I love you but it's a secret" I say and she smiles

"2 days"she says

"2 days" I repeat and we cuddle up on the couch until it was time to get up and go get the kids from school

We had just gotten home and all the kids were working on their homework

"Bailey just emailed, Friday is the deadline for the internship" Arizona says coming up to me

"Okay, I'll go see if she wants too" I say and she nods going back to the table to help Olivia with her work.


"Hey" I say walking into Sofia's room

"Hey" she says and I sit down on her bed while she is at her desk

"So, Bailey wants to know if you're interested in the internship and if so your application needs to be submitted by Friday" I say

"Oh I did fill it out I just needed your signature and then Derek is supposed to write a letter of recommendation along with Jo" she tells me

"Oh I didn't even know you were working on it, can I see?" I say and she nods

"Yea, I got letters from a few teachers and I printed it out" she says and hands me her essay portion,

"Is it good?" She ask a few minutes later and I nod

"Sofia it's wonderful, you did wonders on this. I'm so proud of you" I tell her and give her a hug,

Part of the application you have to write why you want to and all and she wrote a lot about her experience with having surgeon moms and then everything that happened with Luke,

"Thank you" she says and I smile

"Is zola doing it too?" I ask

"She was supposed to" she says and I nod, leaving her to finish her work

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