Chapter 3

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Arizona's POV

The twins both had a game yesterday and both won their games, watching your child's eyes light up is the most amazing thing,

I was on-call though and of course my pager had to go off at 3 in the morning

"Arizona," Callie groans and I get up, she really isn't a middle of the night person,

"I love you see you at the hospital" I say and kiss her lips and she just nods and hums in response,

I get downstairs to grab all my things and see a little figure on the couch laying down, I walk over and Ollie is asleep on the couch, I kiss his head and walk out the door and head into the hospital

"Trauma room 3" the nurse tells me when I walk in,

"Jennifer?" I question walking in and sanitizing my hands

"Dr.Robbins" she says when I walk in

"What's going on?" I ask and get an ultrasound machine to check on the baby

"I don't know, my stomach really hurts. Somethings wrong" she says and lays her head back

"Okay let's check it out, where's your mom?" I ask

"On her way" she says and I nod checking the baby,

"Okay so Jennifer you're in labor" I tell her

"What? No I can't be don't you have to be like 40 weeks or something?" She ask me and I nod

"Usually yes, you are about 2 months early but we have a great NICU," I say

"Were going to move on up to labor and delivery" I say and she nods

"This hurts" she pants laying back down

"I know," I frown, pushing a baby out is not the best feeling

"We can get something for the pain when we get up there" I tell her

"Like an epidural? No way. Those are huge needles" she says

"You won't even feel it, you're going to be so focused on the pain in your stomach" I say and she nods

"I need my mom" she says once we reach the room

"I'll have someone call her" I say and let a nurse know

"Can I go ahead and check you?" I ask

"Check me?" She says

"I need to see if your dilated"  I say and put a gown on

"But, that's like so much exposure" she says

"You do know that's where the baby comes right?"

"I mean I yea, I just" she cries as a contraction comes through

"Hey, look at me, if at any time you want me to stop just say so and I stop everything. I just need to check to see if you are getting closer to having the baby" I say and nods

"Okay" she says and I start the exam,

"Done" I say


"Yep, and your 6 centimeters" I say and her mom comes in the room with her

"Oh Jenny, is she okay?" She ask me

"She is, and 6 centimeters dilated" I smile and stand back up,

"I'll have the Anesthesiologist come in and give you the epidural?" I say and she nods as I walk out

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