Chapter 28

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Arizona's POV

Today's the day. The day our baby graduates high school and is on to the next chapter of her life.

We have to be at the school at 3 for her graduation at 4. My parents are coming and so is Callies dad

If you would have told me 18 years ago this is what my life would be I would call you crazy but I couldn't imagine life any other way.

"You nervous?" I ask Sofia as she paced in her room

"Yes. What if I fall on stage?" She ask seriously

"You're not going to fall, you're going to walk tall and confident" I smile standing at her door,

"You look beautiful" I tell her

"Momma I look like this everyday" she chuckles

"And you look beautiful everyday" I smile

"Is Jack excited?" I ask and she nods

"Yea but her parents are going to be there so we can't  act like a couple" she says rolling her eyes

"I'm sorry bug" I frown. I hate that there are people who don't support their child just because they like the same gender

"When are we leaving?" She ask me

"2:30, I'm going to make sure your siblings have their outfits"I say and walk out and down to Olivias room first, she is the one who likes to change her mind every hour

"Is this dress cute?" She ask me, this child acts like a teenager when it comes to outfits

"Yes baby that dress is very cute" I say and she smiles

"What shoes should I wear?" She ask I chuckle and shake my head walking over to her closet

"The white sandals" I say

"I thought so too" she says and lays her outfit on her bed so she has them ready for when we leave in the next hour and a half

I heard the front door open so I walked downstairs to see my parents

"Look how grown up you are" my mom says gushing over Sofia

"She getting old" I comment

"I know" Callie frowns and there was another knock at the door which Callie answers to reveals her dad

"Hola Mija" he smiles kissing Callies cheek

"Hey dad" she responds and he walks in

We just got to the school and to our seats while Sofia went with Zola and the rest of those classmates

The principal of the school started calling the name of the graduates as they walk across the stage,

We were only looking for 3 of them, Zola, Jack and Sofia,

"Jacqueline Foster, John Hopkins university of medicine" the principal announces and we shout  and call for her

"Zola Grey-Shepherd, Columbia University college of physicians and surgeons" he announces and Zola walks across the stage with us all cheering and nearly all of our friends are next to us, Meredith taking pictures,

"Sofia Robbins-Torres, John Hopkins University of Medicine" he says across the speakers and she walks over and gets her diploma

"Go Sofia!" The twins yell and Callie kisses my head

"She did it" I say proudly

"She did it" Callie smiles

We clapped for each graduate until they were all seated

"Hi everyone, I want to thank you all on behalf of all of graduates for coming out today and supporting them as they enter the next chapter of their life, so let's all give them a round of applause" he says and everyone starts clapping

"Secondly, I want to honor this years Valedictorian.... Sofia Robbins-Torres!" He announces and Sofia gets up and walks over to him shaking his hand

"Did you know?" I ask shocked

"No, " Callie smiles and we all look up to Sofia

"Good Evening everyone,
It is with great honor that I am able to stand here today on behalf of my classmates, we greatly appreciate all of you who came here to day to celebrate this big accomplishment in our lives,

I would like to start off by thanking my moms, Dr.Torres and Dr.Robbins. From a very young age they taught me that I can be whatever I want as long as I put my mind to it. They taught me that it's okay to be different, and it's okay to work for what you need to be happy despite what everyone else may say. They are my biggest supporters,

On behalf of the graduating class of 2021, I want to thank our parents, guardians, teachers and other supporters for helping us reach this grand accomplishment,

Many of us, have been inside this school district since we started kindergarten, 13 years ago, at the mere age of 5,

The first day of school, when parents, guardians, grandparents made us stand still for a thousand pictures,  that are still in the same picture frame it was in 13 years ago, after 3 different school, Elementary, middle and now high, we have all grown, from that 6 year old who complained about naps in school and thought subtraction was the end of the world

To now, our 18 year old selves who would have loved nap time in high school, and who would love to go back to subtraction instead of math problems that contain more letters than numbers.

I want to congratulate each and everyone one of my classmates, you all worked to get to where you are, and for that congratulations to the class of 2021" she finishes

And everyone out in front of the stage stands up and behind clapping,


"Sofia! Why didn't you tell us you were valedictorian?" I say pulling her into a hug after the ceremony had ended

"I wanted it to be a surprise" she smiles

"I am so proud of you, I can't wait to see how far you go in life," I smile and wipe the tears from my eyes,

"Ready to celebrate?" Callie ask her and she nods

We all went from the school straight to Merediths,

"Look at you two!" I exclaim seeing Sofia and Zola together

"Congratulations on Columbia" I tell Zola

"Thank you" she smiles

"Okay let me get a picture" I say and they stand next to each other and smile after rolling their eyes

"Thank you" I chuckle and they filter off,

The night was filled with laughter as many people were congratulating the girls

"I'm not ready for her to go to college" I pout leaning into Callie

"Me either, it's going to be so different with her on the other side of the county" Callie sighs

"She'll come home on breaks" I say assuring myself

"Yea, and we can call her all the time and bug her. And she's going with Jack. They'll be okay and so will we" she tells me

"I love you" I smile and turn behind me to give her a kiss

"I love you more"

Till next time❤️

This is bad, I had no idea what I was doing😬

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