Chapter 14

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Callies POV

It's now a week until school starts up again, Luke is in 7th grade the twins in 3rd and Sofia is a senior! I can't believe she will be 18 in just 4 months, it's scary to think about how she is leaving us next year for college,

The twins really enjoys their birthday sleepover, they talked about it for days afterwards

Sofia also has Jack around a lot more and Arizona and and I have gotten to know her pretty well, she is such a sweet girl. Both of them decided they were going to continue the  internship throughout school so it's now becoming a paid program, I am really proud of Sofia overall, with her being open with her sexuality and not caring what anyone has to say about it, to working really hard this year with the hospital internship,

I had just finished my 3rd surgery of the day and it's only 1 O'clock

I went down to the pit to see Sofia but couldn't find her, one of the nurses said she had gone looking for supplies to stock one of the rooms with so I went around to see if I could find her, after I checked 2 supply closets there was only one more to check,

I walked in and saw Sofia and Jack making out, they both jumped when the door opened and even more when they realized who it was

"Sofia! This is a place of work, a hospital. Not where you just make out in the supply closet! Get your ass back out there" I sigh and both girls scurry out of the room,

I took a few minutes to myself and to clear my mind of seeing my daughter making out with her girlfriend and I walked over to the nurses station and she was sitting behind the desk

"How can I help you Dr.Torres?" She ask and I laugh

"Come here" I say and walk into an exam room of which she quickly followed

"Look I know your mad but she is my girlfriend, we're going to kiss. Maybe we shouldn't have in the supply closet but we just ran into each other in there" she says

"I'm not mad. But while you are here. Working. Is not the time for you to be kissing your girlfriend" I say

"You kiss momma all the time" she says and I sigh

"That's different. We don't sneak off into supply closets" I say and she rolls her eyes

"Don't roll your eyes at me" I say and she closes them and sighs

"We were just kissing, it's not like we were in there to have sex" she says

"When you're behind closed doors that's kind of the impression you give off" I say

"I promise we did not plan to do it" she says and I sigh

"I know, I just don't want to be walking in on that anymore" I say and she laughs

"And who even has sex in supply closets? I mean the on-call room is right down the hall" she says

"No no no do not tell me that" I say covering my ears

"I'm just playing, we haven't done that and I'm not ready for that anyway" she says and sits down next to me

"I'm glad you know that you're not ready and I hope you wait until your like 50!" I smile and she shakes your head

"We definitely got a while" she chuckles and I got paged so she went back out behind the desk

Arizona's POV

I has just finished delivering twins that had their cord wrapped around their necks, both delivered safely and in their mother's arms when I was paged to the PEDS floor

"I was paged?" I asked one of the nurses and she points to a women sitting in a chair in the waiting area and I walk over to her

"Hi, I'm Dr.Robbins. How can I help you?" I ask and she stand up

"Well, Umm. This is awkward. I'm Luke's mom" she says

"Excuse me?" I say, making sure I had heard her right

"I'm Luke's mom?" She says again

"No I heard you, but I'm sorry you are not. Even if you are the women he shares DNA with. That does not make you his mom. My wife and I have raised him since he was 4 years old. He's our son" I say

"I just want to see him? Please. He deserves to know his mother" she says and I scoff

"We are his mothers. Not you." I say

"Please. Just let me see him. I made a mistake giving him up all those years ago. I was just a teenager myself and could care for a child" she says and I sigh

"No, it takes courage to admit you couldn't care for him. You knew you couldn't and you gave him to people who were supposed to make sure he had everything he ever needed. That wasn't a mistake" I say and she nods slowly

"Will you at least think about it?" She says and I sigh

"I need your ID. To make sure it matches his birth certificate. Then I will talk to my wife and we will see" I say and she nods getting out her Wallet and handing me her license,

Marie Lochlan, 29,

"Thank you" she says and I nod walking away.

I found Callie in the lounge and sat down next to her

"What's wrong? Your all tensed up" she says

"I ran into Luke's Birth mom... she found out we have him and wants to see him" I sigh

"What? We aren't allowing that are we?" She ask and I shrug

"I don't know. I think we can ask Luke and have it be up to him" I say and she nods

"Well Meredith is bringing him in with Ellis since she just got paged in" Callie tells me and I nod

"Should we even mention it to him?" I ask

"What happens if in the future he finds out we never gave him the chance" Callie says and I sigh

"I know" I say quietly

"I think we should let him decide" Callie says and in walks Ellis and Luke

"What's wrong?" Ellis ask

"Nothings wrong" I smile and she looks over at me hesitantly

"Okay... if mom ask where I am just tell her I'm in her office" she says and leaves Luke with us

"Sit down bubba" I say and he does in front of me

"Am I I'm trouble?" He ask

"No, but, have you ever thought about seeing your birth mom?" I ask

"No, I mean I used to but I never wanted to" he explains

"Why?" He ask

"Well.... she is here. And asked if she could see you. I told her I would talk to mom and we decided to leave it up to you" I say and he nods slowly

"I don't think I want too. I have never needed anything from her. You both give me everything I could ever need and want, there is no reason for me to see her" he explains

"Okay, we just wanted you to have a choice, and we love you" Callie says and he smiles

"I love you too" he says

"Can I go find Sofia?" He chuckles and I look at the time and she should be in her break

"Sure, if you find her making out with someone let me know" Callie jokes and he laughs and Leaves and I was paged back to the PEDS floor

"Well?" Marie ask me

"We talked to Luke and he decided he didn't want to see you. I'm sorry" I say and she nods

"Yea.... we'll thank you. Um, for giving him the life I never could" she says and walks to the elevator

Till next time ❤️

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