Chapter 20

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Callies POV

It's been almost 2 weeks now since Arizona lost her leg and we were going home today, the kids haven't seen her since, of course they got to face time but Arizona is really self conscious about it now, the kids understood and were just glad their mom is going to be okay

They were at school now and we should get home about 3 hours before they do

"Ready to go home?" I ask her

"Yea" she replies and I go out to being a wheelchair in and she looks at it hesitantly

"Zona, come on. No one thinks any different of you" I tell her and she sighs and I help her in the chair, we get signed out and into the car and drive home in silence, all the while she looks out the window the entire time

"We're home" I say after I park and she still doesn't move, I got out and helped her in the wheelchair and inside

"Are you hungry?" I ask her

"No" she says

"Thirsty? Want anything?" I ask

"No, just want to go to bed" she says

"I think it might be better to stay in the main floor guest room until your leg heals?" I suggest

"I'm good, are you going to help or not?" She ask wheeling herself to the bottom of the steps

"Okay,  I say and walk over and just pick her up bridal style and took her to our room and put her on the bed and picked out some clothes

"Do you need any help?" I ask

"No, I got it" she says and I leave to give her some privacy. I know she is worried about me thinking differently of her because of the leg and I wish she would understand that it changed nothing

I went downstairs and got her a little lunch and a cup of coffee and took it back up to her.

She was laying on her side facing the bathroom door, I set the plate down on the dresser and walked over to her, she was silently crying and I sat down next to her and brushed her now damp hair out of her face and away from sticking to her

"Callie... leave me alone" she says

"No" I say gently and get into bed next to her and pull her into me where her head is resting on my stomach and I wrapped my arms around her

"I'm sorry, I know your upset and feel betrayed but I did this to save you and you will be okay, in a few days we're going to go get fitted for a prosthetic and you'll be walking in no time" I tell her and she doesn't respond just continues to hiccup, until she falls asleep

I let her sleep until I heard the door open and shut and knowing the kids were home I got up without waking her and went down to see them

"Is momma home!?" Liv exclaims And I smile

"She is" I say and she goes towards the steps

"Olivia come here" I chuckle and she frowns and walks back over

"When we go see momma what are we not going to do?" I ask

"Not say anything about the leg," Ollie says

"Right," I say and they nod

"She's asleep so let me go wake her" I say and they all put their school things down while I go upstairs and sit down next to her rubbing her back until her eyes flutter open

" the kids are home and want to see you" I say

"Okay" she says and sits up and I call the kids up and liv comes running in and gets in bed with her before the other kids even get In the door

"Momma! I missed you so much" she says burying her face in Arizona's stomach

"I missed you all So so much and I'm so happy to be here with you" and all the kids get on the bed and tell her about their week in school

"So.. mom told me you and Jack have been spending a lot of nights together" she says to Sofia and her face gets red

"Yea" she says

"But we haven't had -" she says then stops herself remembering the twins there

"Okay- enough for me, love you momma" Luke says and gets up and walks out

"That's good, I'm proud of you for waiting" Arizona says

"Waiting for what?" Ollie ask

"Nothing..." I say and Sofia laughs

"Go finish your homework" I say and the twins leave

"Is Jack good to you?" Arizona ask her

"Yea momma, she's great, I can't wait for you to get to know her more" she says

"Me either" Arizona smiles

"Okay, you too, homework" I say

"Okay, love you" she says and walks out closing the door

"What do you want for dinner?" I ask her

"Whatever the kids want" she says

"Okay...... do you want to come down for dinner?" I ask her  and she shakes her head

"No. I'll stay here" she says and I nod walking out to find the kids

They all decided on pizza for tonight

I ordered pizza and once it arrived the kids came down to eat

"Is momma coming?" Luke ask

"No, not tonight" I say and they nod

I'm honestly so glad they understand that it's going to take some time for Arizona to get used to the whole one leg

After dinner and all the kids were bathed and in bed I said goodnight to all of them and then stopped in on Sofia

"Goodnight. Bug" I say and go to shut off her light

"Is there something you're not telling us about momma?" She ask me and I cut her light back on and sit down on her bed

"What do you mean?" I ask

"I mean, she was faking her smile the entire time earlier, I assume it was to make the twins feel like everything is okay...." she said and I sigh

"No. I'm not keeping anything from you.  It's going to take her a while to even get used to the fact of only having one leg. She didn't want to have the amputation. She refused every chance she got but then the infection was so bad it almost killed her and the only way to save her was to cut it off and it was my decision which is why she is not happy with me," I say

"But it was to save her" she says and I nod


"Is she ever going to be like she was before?" She ask me

"Eventually, we go get her fitter for a prosthetic soon" I say

"That's good" she says

"Yea" I say and kiss her head

"Get some sleep" I say and walk back to my room

"I need to look at your leg" I tell Arizona, just to make sure it's healing correctly

"Callie I can do it" she says

"Just let me do it." I say and she sits on the edge of the bed and I unwrap it,

"It's healing very well, we should be able to get you fitted for a prosthetic next week" I say and she just nods looking away from what I'm doing. I put a new bandage on and changed clothes and climbed into bed with her.

"You know I love you right? Like so much it hurts the way your acting towards me right now" I say

"I know. I love you too" she says and cuts her lamp off and I get under my cover and do the same

Till next time ❤️

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