Chapter 27

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Callies POV

It's not only a month away until Sofia graduates! She turned 18 in December. It's like she was just a little baby yesterday and now my little baby is all grown up,

She is super excited to graduate and go on to college then medical school to become a surgeon, I honestly couldn't be more proud of the young women she is becoming. She has been through so much and is coming out on top.

It's may now, Luke also turns 14 this month. It's been 10 years almost since we brought him home from the hospital,

The kids were all at school now while arizona and I are at work. She's been doing amazing with the leg,

"Are you guys doing anything for Sofia's graduation?" Meredith ask me while we were in the lounge

"I think we're going to celebrate just don't know how yet, you?" I ask

"Well I was thinking of doing a party at the house and wondered if you just wanted to do it for both of the girls" she says

"I think that's wonderful, I'll talk to Arizona and get back to you?" I smile

"Yea of course, see you later Callie" she smiles and walks out

Amelia walks in not Long after holding her baby

"Ouu give me" I chuckles she hands me her daughter,

Charlotte is just a few months old now and is a splitting image of Amelia

"Aww I miss my babies being this tiny" I say bouncing Charlotte on my knee as she giggles

"You don't miss the 3 am feedings, or the 4 am diaper changes" Amelia comments

"Yea... you're right" I chuckle

"I actually got to feed her before taking her back to the daycare" she says and I hand her Charlotte back so she could eat

"Why don't you and Arizona have any more?" She ask me

"Our youngest turns 10 and our oldest just turned 18," I say. I wanted more when the twins were like 4 but not now

"Scouts almost 10, it's hard but worth it" she smiles looking down at her daughter and my pager goes off

"Well,  thank you for letting me get in some baby cuddles, I'll see you later" I smile

I got down to the pit did a consult and was stopped by Sofia

"Is it okay if I go out with some friends tonight?" She ask me

"Where? You have school tomorrow, be home by 11" I say

"Just out for dinner and then a movie, and I'm 18 technically you can't tell me what to do" she says

"I don't care if your 25, if I say get home by 11 get home by 11 or you can be the 18 year old that is grounded" I say

"Fine" she says walking away

I left the pit after talking to Sofia and ran into Arizona

"Calliope" she smiles and I give her a kiss

"Our 18 year old thinks because she is 18 she doesn't have to listen to us anymore" I say

"Really?" She ask And I hum in response

"Well I guess she'll learn soon that's not true" she chuckles

I met with Arizona after work and we drove home, Sofia got off an hour ago so should already be home,

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