Diversão Na Praia (Kate)

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We finally made it to the beach which was covered by the setting sun's rays, giving it a warm pink and orange color.
"Isn't this great?" I say.
"Yep, it sure is." Replies Gretchen, who's laying on a towel, tanning.

I stare out into the ocean, the soft warm sand between my toes. The waves are calm and there's a lovely breeze that blows by every now and then.
I look over at Sana and Aaron, who seem to be making sandcastles. I returned my gaze to the ocean when a vision struck me.
It happened in a flash but I saw the city being destroyed. The sky was grey and cloudy, and the aftermath looked like something out of a post-apocalyptic movie.

"Kate, you doing alright?" Sana asks, shaking me.
"I don't know," I answer. "Call me crazy but I just have this weird feeling that something bad's going to happen here."
"You mean like a tsunami or something?" Aaron asks.
I shake my head.
"No, I mean like, I feel like a tristitia is going to form here or something."
"Then we'll just kill it and everything'll be ok,"  Sana says.
"No," I reply. "I don't think this one will be like the others. I fear thousands of people will die."
"Kate, it's alright," Gretchen reassures me. "It's probably just a bad feeling that you're having."
"Yeah," Replies Sana. "You're probably still freaking out about that last battle."
I shake my head. "No, your right. To be honest, it was a dream I had, but it felt so real that I thought I was dreaming of the future."
"Relax Kate," Gretchen says. "It was just a bad dream, that's all it was."
I sit down in the sand and sigh.
"It's still terrifying though. If I become a magica then sooner or later I'll have to fight a tristitia that's out of my league, there's no way I'll be able to do that."

"Will you still make a wish?" Sana asks, sitting next to me.
"I'm not sure," I shrug. "I guess the only time I'll make a wish is if I'm in immediate danger or if someone I know is or whatever. My point is, I'm not going to be making a wish to save some stranger. I'm not a hero and I don't plan on being one either."
I breathe in and let out an irritated sigh.
"Don't get me wrong, I love helping people and making them happy. But like I said, I'm not going to be risking my life fighting these things."
"So you're saying the only way you'll become one is if you or your friends are close to dying and there's no one else to save them?" Aaron asks.
"That's the only exception I make."
I get up from my spot and take a deep breath in and out.
"Let's just forget about that. We came here to chill and have fun."
"She's right," Gretchen says getting up. "We didn't come here to be worrying about stuff."

We spent an hour or so at the beach, swimming, tanning, building sand castles, and whatever else you can do at the beach.
We were on the way back when Sana and the others decided to go shopping for a bit. I, however, told them I was tired and decided to go back instead.

The campus is very eerily tranquil at night, it's like I never know whether to feel at peace or to feel like someone's going to sneak up on me.
I walk into my dorm and find Naroi sitting on Sana's bed.
"What are you doing here?" I ask.
"Just felt like hanging out here."
He stares at me for a moment then slightly tilts his head.
"Your emotional energy," He starts. "It's giving me a sort of negative vibe. What's wrong?"
"It's just this whole wish thing," I explain. "I want to help people but I don't want to be fighting those creatures. Like what if I mess up and fail?"
"You won't need to worry about that," He says.
"What do you mean?"
"Remember before when I told you about how certain people can make wishes that could alter the universe itself?"
I nod my head.
"You're one of them."
I look at him confused.
"But how?" I ask.
"Honestly, I really don't know. If you were the daughter of a famous person, or had royal blood in you, I would understand. But you're just a normal teenager, so I can't tell you."
"And you're sure I have that power?"
"You will if you make a wish."

I look down at the ground and sigh.
"That makes me feel a little better about this. If I can really become that strong then I won't have to worry anymore."
"Do you want to make a wish now?"
I shake my head.
"No, I never said that. If you're serious about me being able to change the universe with a wish, then I need to think of the perfect wish for it."
"I understand. Whenever you're ready, just call out for me."

He teleports away, leaving me alone in my room.
This doesn't change the fact that I'm scared, but it does make me feel a little better.
I walk over to my desk and open my laptop.

Every now and then I type letters to my family so they know how I'm doing. I tell them about everything, how school is going, how my friends are, and other things.
The only thing I don't tell them about is the whole 'magica' thing. They would either freak out or think I'm messing with them.
After I finish typing, I print out the paper and set it aside to put in the mail for tomorrow. Then, I brush my teeth, get ready for bed, and fall asleep.

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