Redemption (Sana)

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I woke up before Kate and decided to head to the library. I just had the urge to read some books I guess.
On my way out, I noticed a sticky note attached to the door.
"Hey, Sana, if you're reading this, your band wants to have a meeting with you at the concert hall, ASAP."
There was no signature on it, so I couldn't tell who it was from

Why would someone write me a note telling me to head to the concert hall? Whatever, I can go to the library some other day. This better not be some sick joke though...

I head down to the concert hall and enter into the building. As I walk inside, I notice my instructor waving me over.
Saske, is the name of my instructor. He's tall, has dark brown hair, and green eyes.
"Miss Vinkosch, glad you could make it."
"Uh, thanks, you wanted to meet with me, correct?"
He nods, taking a sip of coffee he had with him.
"Yes. You see, some girl came here last night and argued with us to let you back in. She wouldn't leave until we let you back in, so we came up with an agreement. You can join the band again, but you will not be allowed to miss any more days and you will not be allowed to be in the upcoming concert."
"Understood," I say, smiling. "Thank you so much for this."
"Hey, don't thank me, thank the girl that came in here. She does not take no for an answer."
"Oh yeah, that's right...uhm, would ya mind tellin' me what this girl looked like?"
"It was pretty dark, so it was hard to tell, but I think she had dark brown hair held up in a ponytail and tan skin. Why do you ask?"
"No reason," I shrug. "Just wanted to know."

I wave goodbye and leave the building, heading to the library.
There's only one girl I know of with those attributes, no doubt about it, it's Edith, but why would she do this for me? Maybe I should search for her.

It took a while, but I eventually found her leaning against the railing of the bridge we were on not so long ago.
"Hey, so this is where you were."
She turns around, her back pressed against the railing.
"Didn't know you were lookin for me."
"Well, I just wanted to thank you."
She raises an eyebrow at me.
"Thank me for what?"
"For getting me back into the band, I really appreciate it."
"Pfft, I only did it so I could fight more tristitias without you gettin in my way" she grunts.
"I still really appreciate it, whether it was on purpose or not."
"Then I guess, you're welcome, or whatever," She sighs.
"Oh! By the way," I began. "Here's my number, if ya ever need anythin', just text me or give me a ring, okay?"
"Why are you giving me your number? We ain't buddies y'know.:
"I know but I thought it would be a nice gesture."
"Whatever," She replies, rolling her eyes in annoyment.

I leave the bridge and search for tristitias to fight. I haven't fought some in a while, and I wanted to try that 'special technique' Naroi had told me about.
I searched all over the city a couple of times in search of these creatures. It took forever, but I finally came across one at this garden in mainstreet.

I transformed, and sliced a portal open with my sword, then ventured in.
The latitat was a field of purple daffodils, and the tristitia was a giant white serpent with black butterfly wings for eyes.
The monster charged towards me at incredible speeds, making it almost impossible for me to land a hit.
I quickly run and hide behind a nearby giant rock before the creature can spot me once again.
It's way too powerful and quick, I'll have to resort to my secondary ability to defeat it.

I try my best to think of what to do, how to use the ability.

I gotta figure out how I use this move quickly, otherwise, I'm screwed.

An idea struck me and I began to sing. If this move is supposed to work like a siren, then singing is probably how I use it. The words were unintelligible, but I made sure it sounded like a lullaby of some sorts.
The monster became more aggressive, smacking its tail against the ground, so I sang as loud as possible, almost to the point of screaming.
It continued to thrash about violently, until it slowly fell to the ground, as if it was falling asleep. After that, it faded away along with the latitat, leaving a luctus threcius by my feet.

Heh, I can't believe it actually worked...I did it! I need to tell Kate about this right away!

I was on my way to tell my friend the exciting good news when I came across 'her'.
"Oh great, what do you want?" I grunt.
"You shouldn't be using that move. Did Naroi not tell you that ability causes you to go insane? You won't be able to differentiate between friends and enemies if you keep it up, and you became a magica to protect others."
"I only used it once! So would you lay off?!?"
"There's no need to explode. This is for your own benefit not mine."
She brushes past me and walks towards the beach.

I meet Kate not long after, along with Edith at the central fountain.

"Hey! Kate, guess what?" I ask, running towards her.
"Sana, where have you been?"
"Nowhere important, but guess what?"
She looks around the area for a bit, only to return her gaze to me and shrug.
"Well, for one thing, I want to apologize. I said some horrible things and I didn't mean any of it. None of what happened is your fault, I'm so terribly sorry. I know I told you to come up to me when you're ready, but I never got the chance to fully apologize."
"It's...alright I guess. I mean your words did feel like I was stabbed in the heart. But you weren't in a good place at the time, so... I guess I forgive you."
"Really? I mean you still want to be my friend? Even after what I said?"
"Of course! Hey I might be a little upset after what you told me, especially since I myself thought Gretchen's death was my own damn fault," She stated, clearly irritated.
"But," She continues, calming herself. "That doesn't mean I hate you, no matter what happens you're still my best friend."
"Alright," Says Edith, clearly annoyed. "Would you just tell us the big news you wanted to share?"
"Oh right," I say "Remember when Gretchen used that weird ability of hers? That illusion technique or whatever?"
"Yeah, why do you ask?" Questions Kate.
"Cause I found out how to use it! Well My own technique."
"Really? Sweet."
"What's your special ability anyways," Edith asks.
"I can basically kill a tristitia by singing, I mean I put them to sleep's kind of hard to explain."
"Interesting..." Kate mutters.

She moves her focus to Edith.
"Hey, you're a magica too," She begins. "So you must have a special ability as well! right?"
"Of course I do, idiot."
"Then what is it?" I ask
"Think of it as an explosion or somethin'. I'm able to force every last drop of magic energy into my lipana causing it to burst with intense magic power. Not only will this affect the latitat I'm in, but the immediate world outside."
"That's awesome!" I say. "We can use that type of move when fighting a tristitia that's extremely powerful!"

Edith glares at me for a couple of seconds, before bringing her gaze down and shaking her head.
"That ain't gonna work. You forgot there's a downside to these abilities."
"What's the downside of your move?" Kate asks.
"My downside? Well my upside is that it will definitely kill the tristitia, no matter how powerful it is, but it will kill me in the process as well."
"No way..." Kate mutters. "You can't be serious."
"It literally causes my gem to shatter, do you not friggin listen?"
"How does that move benefit you then if it kills you?" I question.
"I don't think it was made to benefit me," She begins. "My wish had something to do with protecting others. So I think that move is used if a friend or loved one is on the brink of death from a tristitia, and regular fighting won't kill it in time, I'll have to use this one."
"Oh, I get it," Kate says. "Your wish had nothing to do with keeping yourself safe, that move is to benefit others, even if it does kill you in return."
"Exactly, but I doubt I will ever use it. The only person that I deem worth protecting is myself."

She looks at me. "No offense, but like I told ya earlier, you should only care about yourself as a magica, but I know you'll just ignore that, so whatever. But don't expect me to risk my life for you, got it?"
I nod.
"Oh, that's right! Sana," Kate says, bringing her focus to me. "What's the consequence of your ability?"
"From what Naroi said, I lose a bit of my humanity each time I use it, so I basically go insane, he also told me that it makes my fighting a bit weaker, so each time I use it, it causes me to want to use it more and more."
"Oh, that sucks..." Kate mutters.
She pulls her phone out of her pocket to check the time then places it back in.
"Welp," She sighs. "I'm gonna head to the library and study for a bit, see you guys later!"

It was just me and Edith now. She was leaning against the fountain with one leg crossed over the other. I began to walk away when she made me stop.
"Hey, if ya don't have your dumb band wanna hang out or somethin'? I ain't asking as a friend or nothin, I just...want to talk or somethin. If you don't mind."
"Yeah. I can hang out, does 7pm work?"
"I can work with 7, meet me at the bridge we were on yesterday."
"Got it, see ya then!"

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