Temporis Lacrimis (Violet)

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[TW - gore warning + vomitting warning]

All three of us walk into the kitchen and sit down. Both Demore and Chikaryeida had told me about everything I needed to learn including this powerful type of tristitia, called Valenstia, a powerful tristitia that disguises itself as a storm to normal people.

"So you're saying you're both going to fight this one on your own...well...I mean, just the two of you??"

They both nod.
"Yeah, pretty much, but I have hope that we'll win. Isn't that right Gretchen?"
"Well, that's definitely the right spirit for the fight."

"So...umm...when exactly did you become magicae?" I ask.

"I became one when I was about 11 or 12 years old," Replies Demore. "But Kate here has only been a magica for a couple of days. She made her wish at midnight, November 14."

"No way!" I gasp. "So that monster you fought was probably you're first one..."
"It was," Answers Chikaryeida. "Which was why I have to start training for this fight...as for now."

She gets up and pushes her chair in.

"I think I should start heading back now. I'll see you tomorrow and we'll train some more!"

I get up and push in my chair as well.
"I think I should get going too, I really appreciate the talk though. Hope we come across each other again."

"It was nice meeting you Miss..."
"Silver," I answer. "Violet Silver,"

She gives me a warm smile as the other girl and I walk out.

We walk back to the city together, talking about our interests more. I recently discovered that her favorite book is Crystallized. She told me she likes it because of how persistent the main character is.

"Wow! So no matter what happens the girl gets up and continues fighting?"
"Yep! She keeps trying over and over until she can win. That determination really amazes me."

This girl. She was so sweet and confident, and the way she talked was full of passion. And her looks were beautiful. Call me crazy, but I think I was falling in love with this girl.

And that continued to grow every time I was with her. Honestly, I never expected it to happen, but I am more than happy when she began feeling the same way.

After going to the same school, experiencing all kinds of tristitias, and meeting new people, finally came the day of Valenstia, December 31.

It appeared in the city located on the horizon of Nurverseri. The atmosphere felt as if there was a terrible storm approaching.

"You ready for this?" Asks Chikaryeida.

Demore nods her head and they both transform.

When Valenstia appeared, waves on the beach in the horizon rose violently and the wind became much stronger.

The monster appeared to be a ginormous upper half of a mannequin, it's face consisting only of a mouth that was also it's eye. It's hair looked to be made out of film and it had no legs, instead a thin black pole with a giant black film disk connected at the end.

The being moved in weird ways. It floated and moved upside down, causing destruction everywhere it went.

"Alright let's do this." exclaims Demore.

The fight began and so much was going on. Arrows and bullets were flying everywhere as well as sand and water. After a few moments the fight got extremely intense and I decided to go find a safer spot.

30 minutes went by and things seemed to die down. I got up from my hiding spot and noticed that Valenstia was making its way closer to the city.

I saw Chikaryeida at the beach kneeling next to Demore, who was no longer in her magica form and was lying down.

I ran over to her. "What happened?? Did she die??"

My eyes widen as I notice the pool of blood coming from Demore, the huge laceration across her stomach, and the shattered pieces of her gem.

"I...I don't understand...you...you guys were doing so well...how??"

Chikaryeida stands up from her spot and wipes away her tears.

"Welp. Guess it's up to me to stop this thing."

I couldn't believe what she was saying. Two of them couldn't defeat this thing, what makes her think that she can defeat it on her own? She'll get herself killed.

"Chikaryeida...please, don't do this."
My voice started breaking up as my eyes began to water.
"Please...don't do this...we can leave this city and move to a better happier place...there's other magicae right..? They can handle this..."

I couldn't hold it in me anymore and began crying. The girl that I loved, the one who saved me from that monster, and the one who made me feel like I was not alone anymore, was risking her life all for nothing.

She walks over to me and gives me a hug.

"C'mon Vi, don't cry."

She wipes the tears from my face and smiles.

"You're an incredible girl, and I know you'll make tons of friends here, you're smart, funny, and kind, and if you ever decide to become a magica, I know you'll be one of the best there is."

She turns her head to look behind her and stands up.

"Well, I should get going now."

She looks back at me and smiles once more.
"Goodbye Vi, meeting you was the best thing to ever happen to me."

She flees toward the city and I watch her with teary eyes.

"No, please...Chikaryeida...COME BACK!!"

I kept screaming in agony for her to come back, but none of it seemed to work.

After the fight was over, I quickly ran up to her body lying on the ground.

She had been shredded into so many parts. All that was left of her was a gorey mess of flesh with tiny pieces of bones poking here and there. Her internal organs, either somewhat or no longer attached to her body, were also torn apart.
I stared at the scene, my breathing getting heavy as my eyes teared up. I wanted to throw up, and I did. The sight caused me to throw up so much that my throat burned and my stomach hurt.
I fell down on my knees and began crying in agony.

"Why...why did you go???"

I could barely see anything as my tears were blinding me.

"If you knew all along that you would die...then what was the point of saving me?? What was the point of saving me if you're not alive and here with me??"

Through my crying I could hear Naroi's voice.

"If you truly want her back, then I could help."

I look at the creature who was standing a foot in front of me.
"Can you honestly do that?"

Naroi nods his head.
"Of course, I just need you to make a wish and you'll be good to go."

I stand up and wipe the tears from my face.
I take a few deep breaths in and out.
"I want to go back, November 13, a few moments before I meet Chikaryeida at the garden."

The ribbon-like feelers attached to Naroi started glowing and rose towards me. I suddenly began to feel a sharp pain in my chest. I could see a small purplish glow emitted between the ribbon feelers beginning to grow.

"Your wish is almost completed, all you have to do is grab a hold of the light and it will finally be granted."

I grab the light with both my hands, and for a moment, everything went white, until I awoke again on my bed back at my own apartment.
I look down at my hand and notice a similar ring that both Demore and Chikaryeida wore on theirs.

All right, I just need to check one final thing.

I open my laptop and my eyes widen as I notice the time and date

6:13 am, November 13.

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