There's Something Wrong (Violet)

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A whole year had passed since the incident. We were currently in the middle of May in our senior year. Gretchen had graduated, so I was on my own. At least at school.

Of course, I still didn't trust her. I realize that everything had changed, that everyone's memories were erased, or at least altered. But mine were still intact, I still remembered everything from the first timeline, and every other timeline after that point. So it was difficult to get along with Gretchen as I still vividly remember her go insane and almost kill me.

Edith on the other hand, was a bit easier to get along with. Sure, she acted like a woman-child, and liked teasing others, but she was the only one that listened. Not to mention, she was pretty good at strategizing.

There were even a few male magicae that we ran into. I didn't see them as much as I saw Gretchen and Edith, but I saw them pretty often. Needless to say, we all got along with each other and even joined us in fighting a few insomns.

As for me? I was still the same. I did wear my hair up a bit more, even having low pigtails like I used to, but for the most part, I kept it down.
I did pretty well in school as well. I mean from all those times I resetted, I pretty much knew everything, but it was nice to have a few things unknown to me.

I'm currently lying on my bed and staring up at the ceiling. It's a Saturday, so there's no school.
I lay there, thinking about the whole incident with Kathleen.

I assume the reason why I remember is because my wish had to do with her having so much power, or maybe because we were connected in a way.

It's nice not having to fight tristitias anymore, I was getting tired of it, especially when you kept fighting the same ones over and over...but...there's a part of me that wished they still existed.

Why? Nobody but me remembers these, nobody but me remembers the old world, the world with tristitias, with that damn storm, with Kathleen. None of them, only I, recall that past.
Which sucks honestly, I have no one to talk to. Sure, they listen, but they can't relate to me, they can't understand me.
It makes me feel like I've gone completely insane.

What if it was just a dream? What if Kate was just an imaginary friend that you made up because you were lonely? But what if she is real and you're dreaming right now?

    I kept asking those questions, trying to come up with reasonable answers, but I couldn't find any. However, there was one question I knew the answer to.

    Why did Kathleen say "see you tomorrow?"

    At first I couldn't understand. If she erased her existence, she wouldn't see me nor anyone anyday...and then it struck me.
    What is tomorrow anyway? It's just the day after today. But when tomorrow arrives it becomes today, and you still have tomorrow...tomorrow never arrives, and since Kate is basically an immortal being with infinite power, tomorrow, no, time itself, doesn't exist for her.
    So when she said it with a smile, maybe she implied that we would see each other again...but not for a very long time, that gave her hope, and to be honest, it gave me hope too.

    I get up from my bed and walk outside.

    It's warm out, the sun is shining brightly, and there are only a few clouds in the sky.
    The air is fresh, and is filled with the scent of freshly cut grass.
    I could hear a few students and teachers chatting, along with the sounds of birds chirping, wind blowing, and the sound of water flowing down a stream.

    I just decided to chill out for the day. I went to a frozen yogurt place to grab some frozen yogurt and some boba tea.
    This small building is pretty recent. The inside is bright and colorful and contains a couch and a tv, with music playing in the background.
    The food there is amazing. The frozen yogurt is creamy and there's a variety of flavors to choose from. Banana, chocolate, vanilla, and even flavors such as samoa, pina colada, mint chocolate chip, and more.
    They also had a variety of toppings too.

    I ended up buying a small cake batter and s'more flavored frozen yogurt, with chocolate chips and gummy bears. I also ordered a medium sized coconut boba tea.

    I sit down on the couch as I eat my yogurt, looking at the TV a couple of times to see what was happening. It was only a basketball game, nothing interesting.
    I finished my yogurt and tea and left the shop. Taking a walk off campus for a bit and just taking in the scenery.

    Morning was my break time. I didn't fight any anibrums until later on at night, they were easy to kill anyways, so there was no harm in waiting.

    I spent the day walking about. The city still looked the same to me, nothing about its appearance seemed any different.

    I kept walking until it got late, that's when I started fighting a few anibrums. Then, when I finished, I went back home to chill out and go to sleep.

    Aside from those monsters, everything is so peaceful and calm, and I felt...happy even, at ease.

    But...despite everything being so calm, and me feeling so great...I couldn't help but

    Why? Why am I feeling this? Why do I feel there's something seriously wrong?

    I stare up at the ceiling, getting ready to fall asleep, my eyes closing as I take a look at my lipana placed on my nightstand...but I saw something different...a familiar dark pin with shattered pieces of a purple crystal around it.

    How strange...why is it just sitting on my nightstand?

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