Causality (Violet)

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Kathleen stares at me for a couple of seconds, her head tilted slightly to the side.

"Wow...that's a lot to take in."

She takes a deep breath in and out and begins to leave my dorm.

"That's all I wanted to hear, thank you, Violet Silver."

As soon as she left my dorm, Naroi had appeared beside me.

"So you're a time traveller? I guess that explains a lot," He says. "I also think it helped me figure out something else, something I've been so curious to know."

I look down at him.
"What do you mean?"

"I always wondered why Kathleen Chikaryeida had so much magical potential, she's no one special and yet...she is at the same time...question is...why? Why did she have so much power within her?"

He pauses, his ribbon like feelers floating to the side.

"That's when I heard about your time travelling abilities. From then, I figured it out, Kathleen has so much magical potential in her...because you kept re doing things over and over."
"What are you saying?" I ask him, a little concerned.
"Causality," He begins. "How one process or event contributes to the production of another process or event...this is also known as cause and effect."
"That still doesn't tell me anything."

He looks up at me for a second, then faces forward once more.

"If I'm not mistaken, you went back in time to protect Kathleen...Well, I figured every time you went back, you carried some of her magical potential with you and placed it on to the next her."
"What do you mean, 'next her'?" I ask.
"Multiverse, alternate realities or worlds. Point is, everytime you reset you move to a reality that's 50 days behind the one you're currently in, which also explains why you were able to make a few changes and how some things were just a small bit different than before. It's because that future hasn't happened yet for that reality."
"But how does that contribute to Kathleen having so much power in her?"
"Like I said before, you carry some of that magical potential with you and place it onto the next Kathleen...I'm assuming it's due to your wish that that is why it happens...It's quite interesting..."

He pauses for a moment.

"I mean you became a magica to protect her, however, in the end, you were only making things worse. That's such a shame, but on the bright made her strong enough to alter the universe, which would give my kind more than enough energy for eons."
"No," I mutter. "Her fate only gets worse if I reset, I'm well aware of that now, but, this is the last timeline, because I will kill Valenstia, and prevent Kate from making a wish."
"I see," He comments. "I've never seen someone so determined, but let me ask you, what will you do if you lose again? Or what if you die after the battle is over?"

I begin walking out of my dorm as I answer his question.
"I don't care. My only goal is to make sure she doesn't suffer in the end. I will gladly sacrifice my own life for hers."

He doesn't say anything else as I leave and walk around the city.

2 days. That's all I have left to prepare for this fight. So I need to grab as many items to heal myself with as I can.

I spent most of the day hunting powerful tristitias. It wasn't easy, but it was necessary if I want to win this battle.

You can always tell how the person felt before they became those horrible monsters. Magicae that have become tristitias through using too much magic power, are those who are weak, or easy to kill. It's the ones that became those creatures through negative emotions that you have to watch out for.
It makes sense though, considering that tristitias are the bearers of despair, so if a magica felt an ocean of despair inside them, then they'll be difficult to slay as a monster.
I guess that was the case with Sana. She fell so deep into despair that Edith wasn't able to kill her normally, she had to use her secondary ability instead.

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