Despero (Edith)

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An hour after Kate had left with Sana, I decided to search the city for tristitias as I thought it would be good to fight instead of watching, and to keep Sana from making stupid decisions.

Does she really believe she'll make everything better by what she's doing? That damn idiot, she doesn't know what she'll get herself into if she keeps that mindset.

A few cars passed by on the dark, silent streets, lit entirely by the moon.
On my search I come across that mysterious girl again, the one with the long black hair. I forget her name.
She was at the bridge Sana and I were at when that whole incident occurred. She was kneeling and looking down over the railing at a glowing portal, flashing bright green here and there.
"What are you doing?" I ask, walking up to her.
"I'm here in case Miss Vinkosch gets into danger, she's weak the way she is now, I tried to tell her that she needed to rest, but that idiot is too stubborn to listen."
She glares at me. "You're more than welcome to kill it."
I shake my head. "No, I'm fine, she'll just get in my way."
She let out a breath of air.
"That's highly unlikely of you, but whatever."

She brought her focus back to the portal. It looked as if things were getting intense.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but, can you tell me your name? I kind of forgot when you told me when we hung out."
She brings her focus back to me. "Violet Silver."
"Oh, neat, thank you! I'll be sure to remember this time."
I returned my focus to the portal again, things were getting much worse. I transform and pull out my spear.
"This is painful to watch, I'll go get her."
I smirk and wave at Violet before entering the portal.

I begin to run towards the center of the room, which is covered in bright pastel colors, the ground below me is a pure white bridge with waterfalls bordering the sides.
I thought she went with Kate back to their dorm? What the hell is she doing here??
I finally reached the center and found Kate crouching behind what appeared to be some clouds.
"What the hell happened?" I ask, running up to her. "Didn't you bring her back to her room?"
"Yeah I did, she fell asleep for a bit but then she got up and decided to go fighting again," She pauses. "I think she feels really bad about letting that one tristitia escape, so now she has to make sure she wins every fight."
"But she's weak! That idiot will get her friggin self killed!"
"I tried to reason with her but she wouldn't listen."
She turns to face me.
"Are you here to help her? She really needs it right now." She whispers.
"Yeah, sure," I shrug. "I'll 'help' her, even though I'd rather do anything else. Besides she saved me from a tristitia so why the hell not?"

Sana appeared to be surrounded by a water barrier. The water pressure on the barrier was incredibly strong, if she went under it, she would most certainly get crushed.
The barrier begins to move in. I could see her silhouette trying her best to push back the barrier with her swords.
I charged at the barrier and sliced it open with my spear. The barrier broke and water fell down on us like rain. Sana was on her knees out of breath. I pull my hand out to help her up.
"You know, maybe I should teach you how to fight, you'll learn a lot."
She slaps my hand away and brings herself up from the ground.
"I told you before, I don't want your damn help. This is my fight and if I die then so be it. So just stay out of my way."

The water barrier was beginning to form again. The wall seemed to be coming from a dark grey cloud at the very top.
Sana pulls out two swords and charges at the liquid wall. She jumps as high as she can and slashes the cloud with her weapon, she keeps going until nothing is left of it, getting hit by blasts of strong water.
She lands back on the ground, bruised and beaten and transforms back. The latitat disappears soon after.

It was just me, Sana, and her friend, Kate. Violet was no longer in the area.
Sana stumbles over to grab the luctus threcius. And just like the last battle, she tosses it to me.
I catch it with my hand and give her a look of confusion. "This is the second time you did this, you take it."
She shakes her head. "Sorry, but I told you I want to be as selfless as possible, I don't need that stupid crap."
"Then at least heal yourself a little. Your lipana isn't as bright as it used to be, it's a murky green now."
She stares at me with hatred before snatching the luctus threcius out of my hands and using a tiny bit of it to heal herself.
Her gem was now lighter than before. It wasn't back to its neon green hue, but at least now it was a light forest green.
"That's the last one I'm takin, after that, I ain't takin no more."
She begins to leave the area only to be stopped by Kate, pulling her arm.
"Where you going?"
"Why the hell do you want to know? Why do you have to keep bothering me 24/7! Just leave the hell alone for once!"
"I'm just trying to be a good friend."
"Then go be someone else's friend! Why the hell would you want me??"
She pushes Kate away and sobs silently.
"I've caused you nothing but trouble and pain. So I'm not your damn friend!"
She sprints away crying. Leaving Kate and I watching.

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