Friends Forever (Violet)

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After we all introduced ourselves and explained everything we finally headed down to the cafe and talked about defeating this monster.

"So..." Says Chikaryeida. "What's the plan?"
"I think we should split us all up," Replies Demore. "Like in categories you know?"
"But what type of categories?" questions Vinkosch. "I don't understand what you mean."
"Hmm...let me put it this way, Violet, you can use your time stopping abilities and set bombs up everywhere around the monster, you can do that right?"

I nod.

"Good. Now, Sana and Edith, you two use weapons that work in close range fights, so you two can help Violet place explosives around the area, at least until Valenstia is low on health, which Kate and I will take care of at the beginning."
"Oh, I think I get it now," responds Chikaryeida. "If we fight Valenstia this way, then we won't have to worry about losing energy!"
"Exactly, but we still have some more time the best thing we can do now is to train a little. Don't you all agree?"

We all exchange looks and nod our heads.

"Oh! That's right!" I exclaim. "There's something you all need to know about Naroi."

They all look at me, making me a little nervous.

"What is it?" asks Myrx.

"Well...umm...I think he's been...umm...tricking us the entire time..."
"The hell you talkin about?" questions Vinkosch.
"It's just that...umm...he made it so...magicae become...tristitias..."

The room became silent as they all looked around the room, until Demore finally spoke.

"You realize that's nonsense right, Violet? Magicae protect this world, we don't become trisitias."
"Yeah," Vinkosch adds. "Why the hell would you even say somethin like that?"
"Because I saw it happen," I answer. "In one of my timelines..."
"In one of your timelines?? Listen I believe your time traveling magic and all, but this? This is bullshit, how do we know you didn't turn against us and will only do it again??"
"Sana, where is this coming from?" Chikaryeida asks with a concerned look.
"I don't trust her! I mean even when we met she gave me a weird vibe, and now she's sayin shit like how we become tristitias and how Naroi is evil. Let me ask you Miss Silver, what benefit does us, turning into monsters, give him?"

I look down at the table and shake my head, tears beginning to roll down my face.

"I believe her," Chikaryeida states. "She even said that I became a tristitia"
"Do you remember the timelines?"
"Well no...but."
"Then she could be manipulating you! She doesn't have any proof so I ain't believing her."
"It's fine," I interrupt. "You don't have to believe me...I'm sorry for speaking up."

As time went by, things began changing. Vinkosch became more...uptight, she even decided on kicking me off the team.

"Ok look," She had said. "I don't like working with this girl, do you realize how many times she almost freaking blew me up?? I mean it's easy for you and Gretchen cause you can fight from far away, but I fight close up!"
"She has a point," States Chikaryeida. "Maybe look for some other weapons that you can use."

It was at that point that I went to search for a weapon I can use to fight with. I decided on stealing a few types of handguns as it went well with my powers and my other weapon.

Of course, it took me a while to get used to shooting as my aim wasn't the best in the beginning, but after practicing a little, I got much better.

Vinkosch became even more depressed as time went on, she was different. She wasn't as happy or determined as she was before, she wasn't even her hot headed self either. It was like she was a completely different person.

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