Frozen Heart (Edith)

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[TW - gore warning]

Damn stupid ass cat. Sick bastard thinks it's okay to make us empty shells. And Sana...god I hated that dumb bitch, If I didn't have to worry about that freaky ass chick appearing out of nowhere, I would have definetely killed her...

I stop walking, standing in front of my apartment.

Not that it would matter, she's already technically dead and I'd be doing her a favor.

I was about to step in when someone from behind caught my attention.

At first I thought it was going to be the black-haired chick. What's her name? Violet? But it wasn't. It was the southern girl's dumbass friend.

"Get the hell away," I tell her.

She doesn't move. I was beginning to get irritated.

"Did not hear a damn word I just said?"

The girl shakes her head.

"No, I did. I just wanted to ask you something..."

    I stare at the girl then roll my eyes, getting ready to walk in.

"I don't want to freaking talk to anyone. So do me a favor and just screw off already."

    I opened my door when I felt someone's hand on my shoulder.

    "Look I just need to ask-"

I slap her hand away, then forcefully slam her head against the wall of the building, pinning her to it. The impact causing her to bleed from her skull.

"Are you dense or some shit? I told you to get the hell away!"

    I release my grip off of her, getting ready to go back in once again.

    "Why did you fight Sana? Or why did you tempt her to fight you?"

    I stop.

Even being threatened to death, this bitch is still annoying to the end.

I turn around and give her a pissed off gaze.

"If I tell you why would you promise to never even look at me again?"

    She nods.

    "Alright, the reason I fought your friend was because I wanted her dead," I smirk.

    The girl takes a step back.

"But why? What did she ever do to you?"

    "Don't take it personally," I tease. "I want nearly everyone dead, but the reason I want her done for over anyone is due to her shitty views."

    "I don't understand."

    "I'm talkin about her damn views on society! She thinks this world is so worth protecting and shit, and it pisses me off. She gets ahead of herself thinking she could be a damn hero to everyone!"

    "Why does that bother you so much?"

    "Because it's people like her that only care about people who they think need saving. The type of people who save those who are rich and powerful, casting out the ones in the shadows.

    "I don't under-"

    "I mean she doesn't want to be an actual hero! She just wants the damn fame of it! C'mon, I heard what that bitch said to you! Did you really cause someone else's death? Cause if you didn't then the world doesn't need assholes like her."

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