Möbius Flame (Kate)

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I could see a ton of explosions going off in the distance, the light getting bigger and brighter after every passing hour.
"C'mon Vi," I say under my breath. "Win this thing."
To be honest, even though I believed in her, my doubt was killing me.

She's failed 200 times already, what makes this time different?

I shake the thought out of my mind.

No, she can win, she's more prepared this time, and maybe she's a bit stronger too. That girl is strong and determined, she can win this...right?

My worries were killing me, I had to find out if she was ok or not, but the only person I could've asked is dead.
I make my way towards the bathroom to wash up a bit.

"Where are you going?" Dad asks.
"To the bathroom," I replied. "I just want to freshen up a bit."
"Alright then, don't take too long."

I made my way to the bathroom, walking up a few stairs and down a long hallway.
This hallway had white marble floors and giant glass windows to the left of me.
After I was finished, I walked back to my family only to stop when I caught a glimpse of Naroi on the railing of the windows, facing the direction of where the fight was happening.
"You're alive?" I questioned as I walked up to him. "I thought Violet killed you."
"She did," He answers. "I have more than a trillion copies though, in fact, that last time was actually the fourth time Miss Silver had killed me."
He moves his gaze towards me.
"You look like you want to ask something."

"I do," I answer. "It's about Violet, I want to know if she can really win this battle."
He returns his gaze to the window as he replies.
"If you really want to know, go out and see for yourself, I can't predict the future, and if I told you what I think you wouldn't like the answer."
"What do you mean by that?"
"Looking at all the facts and the type of magic Violet uses, there's no way for her to win."

I stare at him as a look of concern grows on my face.
"What do you mean by 'there's no way for her to win'?"
"Violet being able to freeze time and reset are the only magic attacks she has. All the weapons she uses to do damage are man-made, they do physical damage, not magical."
"What's your point?"
"All the other tristias had hit points ranging from 100 to 1,000, some more some less. However, because Valenstia is a fusion of tristitias, its hit points are more than a million."
"What does that have to do with the weapons Violet uses?"

He became silent for a moment. The room became eerily mute until he answered.
"Valenstia is 99.999% resistant to physical attacks."
My eyes widened at his words.
"There's no way," I mutter in fear. "That can't be true."
"It is," He replies. "Even if she only does a small amount of damage, the amount of HP this creature has is off the charts, it would take her forever to kill it, she'll either lose all her energy or get killed fighting. She wouldn't even be able to kill it if she had limitless energy, Valenstia will sooner or later make its way to the city."
"Then why does she keep doing this? If there's no way for her to win why the hell does she go through all this shit?"
"I'm assuming it's because she still has hope," He states. "She'll go through this timeline again and again because that flame within her still flickers. It's a shame that's her downfall."
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"She is the cause of you having so much power, so much so, that if you just made a regular wish, your attack would cause this planet to shatter."
He pauses, taking a deep breath in and out.
"Everytime she resets, you gain more magic power, and your fate gets worse...but, if Violet were to ever give up on the fight, she will fall into despair and become a tristitia. She knows this to be true herself, she knows she can't win this fight, but she has to keep pushing cause there's no other way."

So she's screwed either way...if she gives up she'll enter into a world of hell, but if she keeps going, she'll also enter a world of hell. Damn, no wonder she acts so cold.

"Thanks for telling me that. I'm going to head back to my family for now, it's nighttime, so I'll wait for them to fall asleep, then I'll head out."
He gives a single nod as a reply then teleports away.
"Kathleen!" My Aunt shouts. "Where have you been? We were worried sick about you!"
"I was in the bathroom, I wanted to wash up and then I had to actually use the bathroom."
"Well, don't scare us like that again." Mom adds.
"I won't, I apologize for making you worry."

An hour went by and my family finally fell asleep. I carefully got up from my spot and tiptoed towards the entrance of the building.
"Where are you going?" I hear Quinn ask.
She was standing there with her blonde hair down and holding a teddy bear. Her eyes were tired and she looked like she was about to fall asleep.
"What are you doing up?" I ask.
"I saw you heading towads da building and I got worried"
I kneel down to match her height and look her in the eyes.

"There's this girl out there that's fighting a powerful monster that's causing all of this to happen. I'm going to help her."

I figured there was no harm in telling her. She was only six and loved fairy tales and stories of magic.

"Weely?" She asks, her eyes sparkling a bit.
I nod. "Yep, she needs my help and I'm going to help her...just, promise me you won't tell the others about all this, if they wonder where I am, just tell them I went to the bathroom again, alright? I'd like to keep this a secret."

She nods her head.
"Will you be okay? You pwomise you will come back?"
I slowly nod, giving her a miserable smile.
"I will, and then I'll tell you all about it, ok? Now go back to sleep, it's late and you need to get some rest."

She walks back to her bed as I push the heavy doors open.

At this point I begin sprinting as fast as I can in the storm, the strong wind blowing my hair everywhere and the heavy rain blurring my vision.
I fell a couple of times, giving myself a few cuts and bruises on my body.
It was nearly impossible to move in this weather, but I pushed through.

I have to hurry, if I don't make it there soon, then Violet will either get herself killed or become a tristitia herself. There's no time to waste, I have to go save her.

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