Pronunciations and Meanings

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Note: This isn't part of the story, but rather some pronunciation help.

Tristitia [tri-sti-tsia] - Sorrow, sadness
Latitat [la-ti-taht] - "He lies hidden", hiding
Luctus Threcius [look-toos threy-shoos] - Mourning or grief gem
Lipana [li-pah-na] - combined from 'lapis' (la-pees) Meaning stone and 'anima' (a-nee-mah) Meaning soul, breath, or spirit
Incertus [in-chehr-toos] - Uncertain
Lutadora [loo-tah-dor-ah] - Fighter (feminine)
Diversão na Praia [dee-vehr-sew nah prai-yah] - Fun at the beach
São should sound somewhere between soww or seww with a nasally voice, it's hard to describe the pronunciation since it's Portuguese
Carne queimada [cahr-neh keyh-mah-dah] - Burnt meat or burnt flesh
Meu Único Desejo [meww oo-nee-koh deh-seh-joh] - My one wish
J is pronounced like the 'si' in 'vision'
Dura verum [doo-rah veh-room] - Hard or harsh truth
Despero [deh-speh-roh] - Despair
Verum affectus [veh-room ah-fek-toos] - True feelings
Insomnium [in-sohm-nee-oom] - Nightmare, sleeplessness
Temporis lacrimis [tehm-pohr-is la-kree-mis] - Tears of time
Repugnantes [reh-poo-nyan-tehs] - Keep fighting
Libre [lee-brey] - Balance, scales
Nuverseri [Noo-ver-sehr-ee] - The word 'universe' just scrambled w/ an extra r
Lumenast [Loo-meh-nahst] - City of stars
Puella a posterum [Poo-eh-lah ah poh-steh-room] - The girl from the future
Possessor mundi interitus [Poh-seh-sohr moon-dee een-teh-ree-toos] - Bringer of world destruction
Valenstia [Vahl-ehn-stee-ah] - Life ending storm
Anibrum [Ah-nee-bruhm] - Creature born from negative emotions
Insomn [Ihn-salm] - Creature born from nightmares
Mincrae [Mihn-krey] - Insomn habitat
Terlas [Tur-lihs] - Anibrum habitat
Mobius [Moh-bee-uhs] strip - a shape in which you can draw a line both inside and out without crossing over or lifting the pen

Last names:
Chikaryeida [Chi-ka-ree-dah] (Kind of like that pokemon)
Demore [Deh-mohr-ey]
Vinkosch (Same way it's pronounced in german, except the V is v, not f)
Mryx [Mee-erks]

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