Sleepover Plans (Kate)

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I wake up the next morning, tired. I practically have to drag myself off the bed to get ready. Usually, if it's a weekend night, I go to bed late.
I look on my phone and see a new message from Sana.
"Yo! I'm at the lake if you wanna meet me! I brought some food with me so if you're hungry, just stop by! Sana <3."

I figured that eating breakfast by that memorable spot would be quite nice, so after 10 minutes of lying in bed, I finally had the strength to get up and go outside.

At the lake I found Sana sitting on the sand with her feet in the water, a large bag by her side.
"You come here a lot don't you?"
"It's calm here, takes my mind off things."
She reaches in the bag and pulls out two small bags of chips.
"Want one?"

She hands me the bag and I sit beside her.
"Kate," She begins. "I want to ask you something, about the dream that you had, what exactly happened?"
"I don't know," I shrug. "Only thing I remember is there being a huge storm and a mysterious girl. I can't even remember what she looks like though, sorry."
"Oh, that's fine. Probably best that you don't remember."
I look at her with a small smile. "Yeah, you're probably right."

The atmosphere felt serene yet perturbing at the same time. I felt calm and composed yet uneasy and anxious all together.
Maybe it was the fog resting on top of the water? Or perhaps it was the water itself. Small waves crashing against the shore now and then, giving a warm feeling to my feet, and the soft, cool sand falling through my fingers.

"I thought about something," Sana states.
I look at her and raise an eyebrow. "What is it?"
"Ever since we met Gretchen, she inspired me to become a magica for the sake of others."
"I thought your wish was to be a really good singer," I say, crumpling the empty bag of chips in my hand.
"Still is. My wish is to be a singer, to have a great singing voice, but my purpose as a magica would be to help others, save them from those monsters that curse this world."
"Ah, that makes sense. Can I ask what you'll want to accomplish once you get your wish?"
She puts her empty bag of chips in the bag and gives a breathy sigh.
"Well for the magica part, I want people to look up to me, and I want them to feel safe. As for the singer portion, I want to be good enough to enter Ethereal Chanteuses."
I look at her with wide eyes. "You mean that womens' vocalist club that's nearly impossible to get into?"
She nods with a determined smile.
"That's right," She says. "If I can get into that club, then I'll be able to sing in front of tons of people, the popularity I'll achieve for entertaining others is a dream come true."
"I see, so you'll protect others and keep them entertained."
"Exactly," She replies. "What about you though? Are you still scared or do you think you can do this job now?"
"Funny thing. Naroi told me that my magical potential is really freakin' powerful. Like enough to change the universe powerful."

Sana looks at me with a shocked expression and shakes me.
"Are you serious?? He actually said that?? Oh my god ya gotta tell me more!"
I push her arms off me. "Calm down," I tell her. "Well first I'm still terrified, so don't expect me to make a wish right away, I'll still have to fight those things, remember that. Also I'm not sure if he's lying or not, he doesn't seem like he would, but when I asked him why he said he had no idea. I don't know, it just seems a little off."
"But what if he's right?"
"I'm not sure. If I could seriously become that strong, I'll have to make a really good wish. So for now, I'll stay on the sidelines."

Sana looks at me and agrees silently, she then stands up from her spot and grabs the bag.
"Ya know what? We should get to know Gretchen more. It's Saturday ain't it?"
I nod.
"Perhaps we can have a sleepover with her, or even just hang out to see what she likes."
"Sounds cool," I shrug. "But we should ask her if she wants to do that, you know?"
"Yeah, we will. Should we ask her now?"
I shake my head. "Not sure, I don't think she's in her dorm right now."
"That's true," Sana replies, sighing. "We should still check to make sure though."

    We leave the lake and walk up to the senior and sophomore building.
    We reach the sixth floor and head down to Gretchen's dorm. I knock a couple of times and wait for her to answer. Nothing.
    "I guess she's busy fighting like you said," Sana states under her breath.
    "I don't know where she is, or when she's coming back," I say.

I look at Sana. "Do you have a pen and paper in that bag?"
She nods and drops the bag on the ground, looking for the objects. She hands me a small sticky note and a black pen.
    "What are ya plannin' to do?" She asks.
"I'm gonna write her a note about our plan to have a sleepover, I'll add both of our phone numbers so we can all keep in contact with each other."
"Seems like a good idea."

I drop the pen after writing and stick the small paper on the upper center of her door. "Hope she comes back soon. For the meantime, what do you want to do?"
Sana looks around the hall and shrugs.
"I guess we can go shopping."
I give her a smile. "Sounds great, we'll go to the mall."

We head down to the mall and begin shopping for music as Sana told me it would help her a bit with her singing.
We walk down the aisle of EDM music and look for instrumental songs of our choice. Sana chooses three and I choose two.
The reason we chose instrumental songs and not vocal songs is because Sana likes to write her own lyrics.

As we were leaving the aisle, a girl pushed past Sana with her arm.
"Watch it." She grunts angrily under her breath.
The girl was a bit taller than Sana, She had on a navy blue sweatshirt and black jeans, her dark brown hair held in a high ponytail.
Sana was about to walk up to her but I stopped her before she could take a step.
"Don't, it's best that we ignore her."
She gives an angry sigh.
"Fine, but if someone bumps into me again, I ain't gonna stay quiet about it."

We walk up to the cashier and pay for the songs, after that, we leave the mall and head back to the junior and freshman building.
On our way back to the building I feel my phone vibrate. I take it out and check for notifications. A message from an unknown number.
"Hey, it's Gretchen, got your note as you can see. A sleepover would be nice! Where should we have it?"
I text her back that we should have it at her apartment since it's bigger and more cozier.
"Sounds great! I know this great restaurant we can go to as well, I believe it's called Vizera, the food there is really good, if you want to go I'll make a reservation at 6:45pm."
I reply, letting her know that that would be great.
I put my phone in my back pocket after I finished texting and entered our building.

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