2 // casey black

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I couldn't even find peace and quiet in my own house, as I was cuddling up to jade and Jackson another knocked appeared on my door "what" I yelled out which made jade jump she must of been falling asleep I said a quick sorry as Mitchell and Casey walked in, great so he came over to annoy my chill out time?
"What do you guys want" I said as they just stared at me
"Hello to you too sunshine" Casey replied with a smirk on his face
I rolled my eyes and just ignored they were there until they wanted to talk, I really wasn't in the mood for mind games
"We wanted to see what you were doing sis" Mitchell said coming closer to my bed and sitting on the end of it
"Since when do you care"
"Uh always" he replied because he has a really good habit of showing it
"Well if you want to know I'm protecting these two from your evil brother" which made them both laugh
"What did he do now?" Mitchell replied
I rolled my eyes and said "what didn't he do but maybe if you were around you'd understand" I was one moody bitch today and I was letting everyone see it
"Woah someone's moody" Casey said giving me another one of his stupid smirks
I roll my eyes and said "nah shit"
"Well we're gonna go so we don't upset the hulk but I'm about to leave for a fight" Mitchell said as he walked out of the room but Jackson quickly sat up and said "please don't Mitch" he was so sweet and protective for an 8 year old
Mitchell walked back over to Jackson's side and said "I'm sorry buddy but I have to"
Mitchell was a good fighter but it still scared everyone with what he was doing but sash and I understood when the little ones didn't, Jackson started crying so Mitchell picked him up and gave him a big cuddle and tried to make him feel better which was bribing him with ice cream when he got back, this was the sweet side of my brother and I wished I got to see it more.

And just like that Mitchell and Casey left me alone to cuddle jade and Jackson again, I tried my best to comfort Jackson and told him he had nothing to worry about, I don't know if I was trying to convince him or myself but I knew Mitchell was a great fighter I just didn't want him to end up in hospital again, because once that did happen but his head wasn't in the game, I let Jackson out on another movie which he chose lion king and not long after they both fell asleep, I couldn't even move because both my arms were underneath each of them.

As if my day couldn't get any worse.. as Mitchell left for street fighting there was a knock on my door he didn't even wait for me to answer and in came the one and only Casey black what did he want now? Why couldn't I just be left alone?
"Why are you still here" I said while lifting my head up
"I stayed while Mitchell went to fighting" he said struggling his shoulders
"Yeah but why?"
"Didn't feel like being in a crowd and didn't want to go home so he said I can hang out here" he said while walking to the end of my bed and sitting down
"And what makes you think I want to give you company?"
"Everyone wants to give me company Johnson"
I roll my eyes as I say "full of ourself are we?"
"Ya know if you keep rolling your eyes there going to get stuck back there"
I roll my eyes again and say "at least I won't have to look at your ugly head" giving him a wink afterwards
He holds his heart to pretend he's hurt "ouch" he says dramatically
"Oops" I say giving him another wink could he leave me alone now?
"So what ya doing" he says so I take  that as a no he can't leave me alone
"What does it look like?"
"I don't know that's why I asked duh"
I roll my eyes once again "if your going to stay and annoy me at least help me get these kids to bed"
"Yes mam" he replied
He carried Jackson to his room and I carried jade to her room trying our hardest not to wake them up and I was lucky jade was still light but Jackson on the other hand he was heavy as fuck and I hated having to carry him to bed and that's the only reason why I was glad Casey was there to help.

I made my way back to my room after kissing jade on the forehead wishing to avoid Casey but that went down the window when he was already sitting on my bed waiting for me
"Don't you have something better to do?" I ask crossing my arms
"Nope and looks like you don't either" he replied
I roll my eyes and say "actually I do sleep"
"Sleep is for the weak" he said while giving me that cheeky grin
"Whatever" I said walking over to my desk to take a seat
"You know the bed has plenty of room" he says giving me a wink
"I'd rather not"
He walked over to me places his hands out and even if I didn't reach out for him to help me up he decided to pull me up with every strength he had which made me land on top of him, our faces were inches apart and I could smell the Cologne covered in his shirt he smelt damn good and even if I hated this guy and even if he annoyed the shit out of me his body was pretty warm against me, we were going through whatever you want to call it, we didn't take our eyes away from each other for a few minutes but then I realised what was happening so I quickly jumped up and cleared my throat
"Enjoyed thag abit too much hey" he said as he stood up
"Not one bit" I replied crossing my arms but truth is I did enjoy it too much than I should of
"Whatever helps you sleep at night now goodnight Johnson" he says as he walks towards the door
"Night" I reply before he closes the door behind him.
I don't move for a few minutes trying to process what the fuck just happened, I was shocked and he didn't move either probably because a chick was on top of him he's a player after all but I couldn't stop thinking that it was something more and that we actually had a moment.

I was finally laying down in my own head alone, with no distractions and no one to barg in again.
I couldn't help but think about mine and Casey moment or whatever it was and it felt like he felt it too since he left straight after that, I couldn't stop thinking about Mitchell and his fight and if he was okay or not and I couldn't stop thinking about what I was going to do with miles and his little outbursts but eventually after thinking about all that I finally fell off to a deep sleep.

Guess I'll find out tomorrow.

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