22 // date nights

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I woke up to screaming, I looked over to the clock to see it was only 5am today was already going to be a long day I ran towards where the screaming was to only see Ryder screaming crying and kicking, I ran over to him and dropped to the floor I wrapped my arms around him and said "shh your okay I'm here"
"He not here" he replied making me confused
"Who's not here darling"
"Dad" replied making me try to hold back the tears
"No he's not your safe it was only a nightmare"
He collapsed into my arms deeper and cried heavier and replied "but it felt so feel"
"I know baby but it's not your safe now okay"
He nodded his little head as I replied again "how about some hot chocolate?"
He lifted his head up wiping his tears away and said "yes please"
So I picked him up and made our way downstairs to get him a hot chocolate, seeing him like this broke my heart how could one man be so cruel to his own damn child? I wish we saved them a little sooner maybe even before this little kid started getting nightmares from it, he was 5 years old man he did not deserve this, all these kids didn't deserve it they deserved a happy playful childhood like any other kid but no they were all suffering in their own way they all had their own type of trauma and that broke me even more I wish I could take it away from all of them.

I gave Ryder his hot chocolate and we made our way to the lounge room to watch some cartoons, he was still all cuddled up to me which made my heart melt but I still couldn't get over his little nightmare, this poor kid I was just glad I was there to comfort him after a while we both fell asleep together on the lounge since it was still early, I was just glad he slept better this time.

We both woke up to miles jackson jade and Alex jumping on us causing us both to laugh and tackle them back, Alex and Ryder were really fitting into this family well, they were so much like us, with the jumping the games the likes and dislikes and the hobbies, they were more alike us than I would have thought, us tackling each other soon ended up with a pillow fight that was soon joined by Mitchell and sasha, I was so happy for my siblings and I was happy I could help them as much as I could half the shit these kids went through they didn't deserve or need it but now we were getting back on track and now we were focusing on the family that meant something to us not our evil parents.

It was actually really nice mucking around with my siblings and seeing them laugh and smile that was probably the first time Ryder and Alex actually spoke laugh and smiled since we picked them up and brought them home, our family was finally coming together I thought to myself I hope it stays this way.

The day flew by and before I knew it I had an hour to get ready for my first date with Casey Black, I took a quick shower and then realised I didn't know where we were going so I didn't know what to wear so I decided to send a message to casey "case where are we going so I know what to wear"
He replied in seconds "it's a surprise but wear casual and warm clothes"
"Fine" I replied back and then going through my cupboards, I decided to wear a black ripped jeans and yellow singlet with a black jacket, I done my hair and my makeup and by the time I was ready casey was knocking on the door so I ran downstairs ready for our date.

He looked handsome as ever, he also had the same idea with pants as we were matching he wore black ripped jeans with a grey shirt which made us both laugh but headed out anyways he opened the door door for me and said "for you my lady" which made me giggle he could be so romantic and cheesy at times and I hardly got to see this but I loved when I did see it
"So where are we going on this fine afternoon?" I asked as he got in the car
He gave me one of his cheeky smirks before replying "it's a surprise"
"Of course it is" I said rolling my eyes which made him laugh.

The car trip seemed to go by quickly but also having casey by my side probably made it go that bit quicker, we talked and laughed the whole way to our surprise date and when we finally stopped the car I was breathless that he took me to one of my favourite places how did he know?
"You brought me to a carnival?" I said jumping up and down like a kid in a candy store causing him to laugh
"I sure did" he replied and with that I jumped up into his arms wrapping my legs and arms around him
"Uh sorry" I said quickly jumping down when I realised what I did
"Don't be" he said giving me a wink.

And like that we made our way to the entrance and to get our tickets, once we entered my eyes lit up with joy and excitement, I jumped up and down once again at how excited I was causing casey to laugh yet again
"So what do you want to go on first beautiful" casey said making my heart melt at him calling me beautiful
"That one" I said pointing to one of the rides casey laughed as I grabbed his head and dragged him to the ride, the line wasn't that long which I was thankful for.

We went on a few more rides before we decided to go on the Ferris wheel
"This line is taking forever" casey complained
I rolled my eyes at him before saying "be patient" and give me a slight push
There was a couple more rides of the Ferris wheel until it was finally our turn
"About time" casey said as we got in which I just returned with a giggle
It was so beautiful I looked down and stared at all the small people and rides thag were here it was even more stunning from above, as we reached the top I took a moment to stare at the sun that was setting
"It's so beautiful" I said as I looked out to the sunset
"But you know what's more beautiful?" Casey replied
I turned my attention to him to tell him to continue
"You" he said which made me blush
"Thankyou" I replied
"Your cute when you blush"
I rolled my eyes at him he could be so cheesy sometimes but I loved it wait love? I thought to myself I didn't know if I loved casey yet but I knew I had feelings for him and the fact I thought that to myself made me confused and scared.

The whole ride on the Ferris wheel was amazing, the view was stunning and it also gave me an excuse to be close to casey and feel his touch thag always seemed to give me goosebumps
"Now let's go win you a prize to end this amazing date" casey said as we got off the Ferris wheel
"YES" I yelled out clapping my hands
I was really enjoying myself tonight and I felt like a kid again but then again Casey always brought out the kid side of me and that's jusg one thing I loved about him, there was that work again LOVE...

We went and played a few games and casey either didn't win anything or only won small prizes and I could see he was getting frustrated since he wanted to win me a big prize but I only found thag adorable
"Let's play thag clown one" casey said as I nodded my head and followed him
He gave the lady $10 to play two games, the first game he only won a bouncy ball but the second one he actually won one of the big prizes
"Finally" he said face palming with his hand "now ma lady what teddy would you like" he added after the lady told us what prizes we could get
"Thag dog teddy" I said pointing to it
"You heard the lady" he said to the worker causing me to giggle, it was a husky dog teddy with blue eyes and I loved it
"Thankyou thankyou" I said kissing casey on the cheek, he really made me feel special tonight and Everytime I hung out with casey I saw another side of him.

"Do you want to do anything else here before we leave" casey asked as we walked through the crowd
"I don't think so I'm getting pretty tired" I replied and casey took my hand and led me to the car
I couldn't help but feel joy about how tonight turned out and the fact that I might be falling for casey harder and faster than I thought, I was scared to find out about my strong feelings towards casey but hanging out with him more and more only made me figure out how I truely felt about Casey but it scared me since he wasn't too sure on his own feelings
"I really enjoyed tonight and seeing you happy" Casey said as he parked in his driveway
"Thankyou for tonight case I had a lot of fun" I replied
He soon pulled me into a kiss that was passionate and that told me he had been waiting to do that for a while now
"Goodnight Johnson" he said as he pulled away
"Goodnight black" I said as I got out of the car

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