4 // the party

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There was only a couple hours left for this party that Charlotte demanded me to go to and I really didn't want to go at all after the day I had I'd rather just sleep the night away but I didn't have a choice in that but at least I got to drink my problems away.

I took a quick shower, chucked on leather tights with a white tank top with a denim jacket, I curled the ends of my hair and by the time I finished getting ready Charlotte was already down stairs waiting for me, I felt exhausted and I'm pretty sure I looked it too, we picked Kyle and Addison up on the way while we were pumping music getting into the party mood, addie was the sober driver tonight since she was the least part animal out of us.

The house was already full by the time we got there, there were people rocking up, people talking and making out in the front yard, we could hear the music blasting from down the street, the house was huge, there was a Dj and people grinding up on each other inside, more people making out and dancing, the first thing we did is make our way to the kitchen to grab a drink and for my luck Casey was standing there flirting with some barbie looking chick, I couldn't help but roll my eyes at him, I wasn't a fan on players and people just playing people for the fun of it, we all drowned 3 shots each before we grabbed a cocktail, Casey only noticed we were there by the end of our last shot
"Oh how nice for you to join us" he said as the barbie walked off and him sending me a wink
I rolled my eyes at him and just ignored him and chugging my drink down, I wasn't in the mood, I just wanted to forget about the day and as Kyle was trying to keep up with me I think he noticed that I wasn't okay because as I went to follow the girls out to the dance room he grabbed my arm and pulled me back gently
"What's going on tay your not yourself tonight" he said giving me a quick hug
"I jusg want to forget everything that happened today" I replied not really wanting to talk about it
"What happened today"
"Miles" and as soon as I said his name Kyle knew to drop it, Kyle knew the most about miles actions and how they effected us and just like that he got me another cocktail but made this one stronger, that's what I loved about Kyle, he knew went to push me to talk and to just leave it and hand me a drink.

An hour passed and I was completely drunk and enjoying every moment of it, we were all doing our own thing, Casey was hooking up with different girls, Charlotte was dancing, addie was making sure we didn't do something too stupid and Kyle who knows where he went but I was too busy hooking up with some guy I didn't even know, I'm not usually like this but this is who I am when I've had a hard and stressful day, he wasn't the best kisser but he was good looking and I was too drunk to even care but suddenly I felt a grip on my arm pulling me back, I looked back to see Casey
"And what do you think your doing" I said crossing my arms
"I could ask you the same thing" he said still holding my arm
"Hooking up with this hottie if that's okay with you"
"No it's not okay with me" wait what?
"So you can hook up with whoever you want but I can't?"
"That's exactly right"
I was way too drunk to fight so I just shrugged it off and went to the next guy to make out with them and I made sure Casey was watching, at least this guy was a better kisser than the other guy but that only made him more angry and this time he grabbed my arm that little bit harder
"Ow what was that for" I said as I turned to face the crossed arm Casey
"Your drunk and you'll only regret this in the morning I'm only trying to look out for you"
"How do you know what I'll regret" I replied rolling my eyes
"I know you more than you think Johnson"
As I tried to walk away from him he pulled me back and said "we're leaving" seriously what was his problem?
"Your not the boss of me Casey black" I said crossing my arms
"No I'm not but we can do this the easy or hard way your brothers only one call away"
That made me snap out of it I couldn't let my brother see me like this he already had too much shit going on so I didn't want him to think he had to look after me too
"Whatever let me tell my friends first"
"Find but I'm coming with you"
"I don't need a babysitter" as I walked away to try and find them he just ignored me as he followed me, I finally found Kyle and Charlotte in the kitchen doing shots
"Hey girls"
"I ain't no girl Taylor" Kyle said crossing his arms
I giggled and replied "yeah yeah this asshole thinks I'm too drunk and is taking me home"
"What a party pooper" Charlotte said while giving Casey a dirty look which made me nearly fall over in laughter
"You guys good on getting home safely?
"Of course they are" Addison said walking into the kitchen
"Thanks girly"
"And I think it's our time to go home to char and ky"
Charlotte just groaned while Kyle said "yeah I'm too fucked up to be here any longer" which again made us all laugh, I don't know if it was us being drunk that we found everything funny at the moment or if because they were pretty funny when they wanted to be
"Fine I guess were leaving" Charlotte replied she could honestly party all night long if we let her but sometimes we need to look out for her and tell her when enough is enough

And just like that we all made our way out the front, we gave each other a hug at the front gate as we said our goodbyes
"Addie make sure there safe" I said as I went to walk off
"I always do"
It felt like Casey parked a block away but that's just probably because I'm drunk, I nearly fell over twice on the way there and I kept bumping into Casey. As we drove around the corner I realised I didn't even know if Casey had been drinking but yet he was driving me home, I might be drunk but I think about this kind of shit
"Have you been drinking" I said giving him a worried look, I had a family to actually get home to
"Only a couple but that was hours ago don't worry I'll be fine to drive"
I nodded my head as I looked back out of the window after five more minutes I looked at Casey and gave him the biggest smile
"We need music" I shouted and like that I turned the music up max volume and danced the car ride away which Casey kept laughing at me but at that time I didn't care if I looked like an idiot I was too drunk to care.

When Casey finally stopped the car and when I noticed where we were I looked at Casey who was also getting out of the car
"This isn't my house" I said struggling my shoulders
"Nah shit but you need to sober up before you go home" he replied leading me into this 24/7 hour cafe the only one around, I didn't feel like eating or having anything but knowing Casey he would make me so I can sober up.
We sat down at one of the back booths, we were the only ones here which didn't surprise me as it is ass midnight
"What can I get you two" the waitress said coming upto our both
"I don't want anything" I said
"Nope you have to have something"
I rolled my eyes and said "fine I'll have the chicken burger with CHIPS" I yelled out making the waitress jump which I thought was pretty funny and so did Casey cause I could see him trying not to laugh
"Um and I'll get the beef burger please with two waters"
She nodded her head and walked off
"I don't want water" I said crossing my arms and giving Casey a dirty
"And I don't care do you want to sober up or for your brother to kill you, say I'm doing you a favour"
I rolled my eyes and said "whatever" as I laid my head on the table and looked jack up which only gave me head spins.

Our food arrived about after a 20 minute wait and I had to force it down because Casey wouldn't let me not eat and he was watching my every move but as I finished I could feel it coming straight back up, I didn't realised I'd be throwing up this early on, I quickly stood up and ran out the front while Casey called my name from the booth but once he realised what was happening he ran after me and held my hair back for me, this was the sweet side of him that I rarely ever got to see, I felt like death and I started not knowing how it would go when I got home since I was meant to stay at charlottes house.

I must of passed out in the car because when I woke up, one I was in a bed and two I wasn't in my bed.

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