6 // mall and dinner dates

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I woke up to Mitchell barging in my doors
"We've been invited to the blacks house for dinner" he said as he entered my room, I looked over to the clock and it was only 6:30am, why did he have to tell me this early exactly? I threw a spare pillow at him and said "and why did you have to tell me this early and why the hell was I invited was it just us two invited?"
"Because it's fun waking the hulk up early" he said shrugging his shoulders and adding "I don't know why you were invited ask Casey that and yes it was only us two invited"
I rolled my eyes at him and he threw the pillow back at me which only hit Charlotte who was still snoring her head off I whispered "idiot" lucky enough it didn't wake her up.

it's been twenty minutes since Mitchell came and woke me up and I was starting to get bored so I decided to jump on Charlotte which was only making her moan and Goan and after five minute she finally said "okay okay I'm up bitch" I laughed while I hopped off her
"So what ya wanna do today"
"Bitch I just woke up do you expect me to know"
Fuck she's worse than I am this early which is another reason why were so close I guess.

After Charlotte woke up abit more and had a shower she came out of the bathroom looking all fresher up and said "now I know what I want to do" and I couldn't help but laugh at her
"And what's that?"
"SHOPPING" she yelled out I jusg rolled my eyes at her, shopping with her was like death she could stay at the mall all day just looking at the shops without even buying anything and that was one thing we didn't have in common but I guess I did need a new outfit for dinner tonight 
"The only reason I'm agreeing to this is because I need a new outfit for tonight" which made her cheer and jump up and down, she knew I wasn't a big fan on shopping especially with her since she didn't know when to go home.

After we both got ready we finally got to the big mall with plenty of shops around and I was already regretting my choice, don't get me wrong I like shopping sometimes but not for too long and it demands what mood I'm in, Charlotte was already dragging me from shop to shop, five shops later and I found the perfect outfit, light blue ripped jeans with a black crop off the shoulder shirt and a cream long cardigan
"Yay well that was easy enough" Charlotte said while clapping her hands as I grabbed the clothing I jusg rolled my eyes at her, we had been in five shops how was that easy enough? I paid for my clothes and Charlotte started dragging me to more shops, few shops later she finally decided to buy something, a sliver plain bracelet and some shorts but she still wasn't done dragging me to more shops
"I'm starving and I think we've done enough shopping for the day" I said dragging my feet beside her
She rolled her eyes before answering "fine I'm hungry too and that's the only reason I'm agreeing to leave"
I sighed in relief, my feet were starting to hurt from walking around and I really wanted to just go home to my bed.

We made our way to the food court deciding to order subway, more people were filling in the food court as it was jusg pass lunch time, I couldn't help but wonder off to think about miles as I saw kids around his age happy, I really needed to get him help I needed to change the way he thinks and acts and I was lost on how to do that especially having him to like it too but I had to start somewhere and I'd figure it out.

Charlotte dropped me off to my house before making her way home too, for my luck miles was out with Mitchell so it was time to do some research before I had to get ready for dinner at the blacks, I went upto my room and pulled my laptop out searched the best people around us for kids to talk to, a few came up but I didn't just want to send him to anyone, I searched some camps for kids that didn't have it easy, I searched activity's for the same things but I just didn't know how to go about it or what he would prefer, maybe someone to talk to and an activity, I would just have to wait when everyone was free to be able to talk to sasha and Mitchell to think what they thought about it aswell and go from there.

I had an hour to get ready for dinner and Mitchell still wasn't home, I sent him a message before hoping in the shower washing my hair and putting on my new clothes, I fell inlove with the clothes even more when I put them on and saw myself in them and by this time Mitchell was home getting ready himself, I wanted to talk to him about my research today but I knew right now wasnt the time since we didn't have enough time to sit down and talk about it instead of worrying if we were late or not for dinner.

After we were both ready we walked over to the blacks which wasn't a far walk since they lived right next door, mr black answered the door, he looked just like Casey with his black hair and his aqua blue eyes, his mum on the other hand didn't look like Casey but then his little sister walked downstairs, I didn't even realise he had a sister she was about jades age and she looked like her mum more than anything they looked like twins, she wasn't that shy she introduced herself to me and didn't wait for her parents do it for her, her name was Kimberly, she was cute and sweet and I was surprised that her and jade hadn't played together yet.
"Thankyou for having us mrs black and mr black" I said as they got dinner ready and Casey walked down the stairs looking cuter than ever but I quickly snapped out of it and put my qteention back to his parents
"That's okay but dear please call us Julie and Jason" Julie said turning to face me and I just simply nodded my head.

Casey came down and did a bro hug with Mitch before ruffing my hair which only made me punch him on the arm, he loved teasing me Everytime he saw me and it was quiet annoying
"Ow" Casey said rubbing his arm up and down
"That's what you get for messing my hair up" I replied Casey just rolled his eyes while everyone else laughed
The boys walked off to the living room and watched some football game while I was in the Mitchell talking to Julie and Jason while Kimberly was showing me some of her toys, she begged me to come to her room but I didn't want to be rude as Julie and Jason were also talking to me
"It's okay dear you can go with Kimberly we will call you when dinners ready"
I nodded my head as Kimberly dragged me up stairs down the long hallway, I never realised how big there house was until now but then again I never came this far inside, her playroom was at end of the hallway and it was probably the biggest room in the house, she had a lot Of toys and she even had a dollhouse in there and some dress up clothes, it was a cute and cozy set up she had a lounge and a tv it was like her own personal space. She showed me all her baby's and her brats her barbies her legos and all of her different toys she had, she showed me her favourite teddy bear that Casey gave her when she was a baby, so he did have a heart but overall she was one spoiled girl and I only wish jade has stuff like this and a room to jusg hang out in but then again we have more people living in our house.
After she showed me all her different things the door to her playroom opened I thought that maybe dinner was ready but nope it was jusg Casey
"No boys allowed" jade said while crossing her arms I couldn't help but laugh
"Yeah no boys" I said mocking her Casey just rolled his eyes
"I see my little sister kidnapped you but if you don't want to be saved fine"
"I'm not kidnapping anyone Casey" Kimberly said as she stood up and kicked him making me laugh
"Yeah Casey" I said while laughing which made Casey just roll his eyes
"Whatever you girls have fun" he said as he shut the door behind me leaving Kimberly and I laughing, they had a cute and funny brother and sister bond and I wish I only could have that with my siblings.

Dinner was called out not too long after Casey left so we all made our way to the table, I sat in between Casey and Kimberly while Mitchell sat next to Casey and Jason and on the other side of Jason Julie sat, they had cooked a feast, chicken saled chips and lamb, it was delicious, I really enjoyed the dinner at the blacks household, we laughed teased each other they seemed like a normal and fun family unlike mine, I didn't get to experience this kind of dinner with my family so it was really nice, I could feel Casey also starting at me every now and then during the dinner and it was nice to see Mitchell also enjoying himself
"You know Kim you and my sister jade would get along well I reckon" Mitchell nodded his head in agreement
"How old is she?" Kimberly asked me
"Same age as you"
"Can I meet her"
"Of course you can if it's alright with your parents we can plan a meet up"
"Of course it's alright with us dear" Julie said as she gave me a warm smile while Kimberly clapped her hands excited.

I had a really nice time at dinner and after dinner and few chit chats Mitchell and I made our way back home, as much as a nice time I had I was looking forward to my bed.

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